Perimemopause symptoms?

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I think I have symptoms of perimemopause and reading information online encouraged me to seek advice from my GP. I wondered if I could get some advice prior to my appointment. I will be 39 in August.

My periods are all over the place but, I put this down to the pill, I started last August. 

I get hot and sweaty all the time, so much that I have to take an extra top to work in case I need to get changed. I am constantly washing my arms all day at work and when it's warm outside its horrendous. I feel so embarrassed. 

I get headache all the time. I got my eyes checked last April and was told the headaches weren't anything to do with my eyes. I wake up with headaches often and sometimes they develop during the day and can't get rid of them. 

My stomach bloats and sometimes it feels so uncomfortable it hurts. I've started using peppermint tablets which has eased the bloating. Often  I look 3 months pregnant!

I've started  to feel so down when nothing different has happened. Today I've felt so unhappy but couldn't pinpoint why. This happened a couple of weeks ago. I hate feeling this way.

I've started to ache more, e.g when I hoover up my back aches when I stand up after leaning over. I feel like I have a body like an 80 year old!

I feel so tired at times, I can't concentrate when feeling like this. 

Im not sleeping well either, but, I've looked at the days Im tired, they do not coincide with the nights I don't sleep.

I mentioned being tired to my gp who checked my tsh, this came back normal.

Any advice would be brilliant.



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11 Replies

  • Posted

    This just sums up my life just now, I get sweaty  and ache . My stomach is sore most days , and I always think the worst Mrs doom and gloom . One day I wonder if its my liver or kidneys aching then I go to the extreme and think I’m dying . I have been feeling awful for 9 months now. Think I’m my doctors best customer. I always come out feeling silly as he always says it’s your age but we will do a blood test and see . It’s always normal . BUT I’m not my old self , that’s what upsets me more .. 💕 hang in there we will hopefully get there 

    • Posted

      That's my fear too, the doctor saying everything is normal when it isn't. We've got to be strong. Im always here if you need to chat xx

  • Posted

    Hi Ashley 

    Get your hormones checked as you don’t want to get to the point where you are anxious dizzy fatigued etc. some women have to give up work because of the symptoms . Hopefully you don’t go through it too badly but for some of us including myself ... it’s been hell . I wish I would sorted my hormones out in my 40’s as I now realize my severe anxiety and phobias were probably due to hormones . 

    • Posted

      Hello Lori, indeed this peri for some women is hell on the earth. 

      I am experiencing severe perimenopause symptoms and I am only 32 years old and it 's already been 2 years. I am unemployed due to this and house bounded most of the time...I am going to ask for HRT soon.

      What kind of phobias do you have? I mainly have claustrophobia and  agoraphobia and I firmly believe them I have developed them due to hormones

    • Posted

      Hi evi 

      Yes 10 years ago after a bad accident I developed agoraphobia intrusive thoughts and just felt plain crazy didn’t want to be home claustrophobia and didn’t want to be out . Spent many days just stood at the door . thought it was due to a bad accident but after educating myself I see now it was probably hormones . 

      I’ve suffered for years and could have nipped this in the bud ,  now if I go out to do errands it’s a big deal as always thinking ‘hope I wont panic ...lose it’ I’ve not driven more than 5 miles alone in all those years . 

      And it starts to become obsessive that’s all you think about .

      My heart goes out to you as it’s awful seeing everybody lead normal lives and we are suffering get it sorted out now ! Make sure you demand help from dr as you are young and once you get on the anxiety panic rollercoaster it becomes your life ! 

    • Posted

      Hi Lori,

      Thank you for your reply. I'm desperate to get this sorted, reading comments on here as I thought I was having some sort of breakdown or metal crisis. I hate feeling the way I have done today. Roll on the 10th when I'm at the doctors.



    • Posted

      Yes I have terrible agoraphobia and also won’t go in elevators anymore . When I did try hard and finally go in one ... I got stuck ! Only for a few minutes but now back to square one . 

      It’s been 11 years of just anxiety panic over thinking therapy and through all this exhaustion .if I only knew it was all hormones 🙄

      What I’ve suffered The  last 3 months however have been the WORST!  At 51 my hormones went wild I literally was never fully awake a massive sense of doom and despair literally the craziest weirdest experience I’ve ever had ! 

  • Posted


    No one warns you that the symptoms start so early and the doctors don’t seem to want to know when you are in the peri menopause stage.

    I am 45 this month and now realise that I have suffered for about 3 years. 

    It is only after a few people mentioned the menopause that I started to look online. I have nausea, achy legs, morning headaches that won’t go, stiff neck, off balance feeling, lightheaded, always hot, can’t concentrate - all of which has lead to anxiety. The anxiety is like nothing I could ever believe - stops you doing the things you love.

    I am determined to get me back. I have a blood test next week but quite likely it will be fine as they often are when you are in the Peri stage. I will be walking away with a hrt prescription . Right now I will drink rats wee if it made me better.

    This forum is really helpful as you realise that you are not the only one suffering. Funny all my friends my age seem just fine. 

    Keep us posted how you get on


    • Posted

      You’d drink rats wee and I posted that I’d drink bleach right now if made me feel better!

      All I can say is ‘poor us’ this is absolute hell and nobody ever talks about it !! Can’t wait to feel like me again I don’t need a lot to give me that feeling if we’ll being but boy do I miss it . Come back life ! 

    • Posted

      I'm in tears reading your post Louise, you're right nobody warns you what could happen. I want to get 'me' back too. Whats likely to happen if bloods come back normal? Is there another way they can test for perimemopause?

      I look at people my age too and wonder why I'm not normal haha. Like you I will drink/take anything to get back to my usual self.

      I'm sorry you're going through this and  I hope you get answers/help  soon ??.



  • Posted

    My gp thinks my symptoms are due to anxiety. Bloods to checked 25th and take it from there.  I'm worried they won't find anything.

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