Perimenapause, hashimoto, fatigue, heart palpitations, dizzy
Posted , 3 users are following.
Has anyone experience these symptoms with hashimoto and perimenapause
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Posted , 3 users are following.
Has anyone experience these symptoms with hashimoto and perimenapause
0 likes, 13 replies
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ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
Sorry to hear that.
How were you diagnosed.
Whenever Dr checks my blood for tyroid he says my result is fine. I have fatigue, muscle pain,very painfull legs, constipation, hair thinning, depression, not able to loose weight ... I feel cold and very very sensitive to cold. These might be all to do with peri-menapause I guess. I just don't know...
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
Tell your doctor to check for hashimoto it's a autoimmune desease it's your anti bodies,
Do you get fatigue every day.
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
Your Dr can do a blood test and if you're thyroid levels are ok he or she will tell you that it's ok ,but if he doesn't check for hashimoto then you won't from what your describing your symptoms you could have hashimoto.
If you don't mind me asking where do you live I'm in usa florida
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
klm1213 jacqueline06286
Yes, I have Hashimoto's and I am in perimenopause too. I get all of those symptoms and more!
jacqueline06286 klm1213
jacqueline06286 klm1213
jacqueline06286 klm1213
Hi klm,
How are you feeling, I started having burning sensation around my body that comes and goes, I'm in perimenapause and I have hashimoto, do you get that burning sensation around body