Perimenapause--I feel like I'm dying
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The night sweats and all the other related symptoms started about 3 weeks ago. I went to the doctor and was prescribed estrogen. I thought I would feel better but I don't. I don't want to spend time with my family or anyone else--but I don't want to be alone. Scared this is going to continue for years.
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rhonda64529 katherine86378
I had a few nights of sweating a couple months ago and it stopped, but came back with a vengeance about 10 days ago. It’s like I’m sleeping in a sauna. And I feel the same as you about not feeling like being with anyone. I was visiting my parents after they returned home from 5 months down south. Traveled over an hour to get there and then suddenly felt I needed to leave and go home immediately. It was like a panic feeling...this is not me!
So we can’t BOTH be dying, right?
2chr2015 rhonda64529
karen66219 katherine86378
Good Evening Ladies,
If it is any consolation, I do not believe either one of you are dying
I do know that it feels like it though. If you do not mind a little advice, I will tell you both to educate yourself on the symptoms of peri. I would hate for either of you to be blindsided by them, as I was. I was completely ignorant to them. I just thought you had a hot flash or two and then went about your life (shows you how wrong I can be, huh?). When the heart palpitations and dizzy spells came, I thought I was dying to the extent that I went to the ER and doctor three times in one month. I wish I would have known, maybe I would not have panicked so much...and panic I did!
Hang in will have good days and bad days. They won't all be bad, I promise. I find that sleeping with an ice pack on my head does help with the night sweats. Our freezer is now a quarter full of ice packs! If anxiety or depression starts to get the best of you, do not be afraid to talk to your doctor about an SSRI to help get you through the roughest part. An anti-depressant has really helped me with both the generalized anxiety and panic attacks.
Remember that we are here and we are all in this together
haley30534 katherine86378
I was exactly the same as you at first didn't know what was happening and like Karen I went to a and e 3 times, the anxiety and depression hot me like a ton of bricks, didn't want to see anyone or go anywhere, I opted for antidepressant SSRI, it has helped me enormously with the anxiety, hang in there girls we're all here to support each other x
katherine86378 haley30534
mrs_susan74280 katherine86378
katherine86378 mrs_susan74280
Lexapro--it's not helping
2chr2015 katherine86378
debbie1226 katherine86378
I thought the same. I got on the combipatch and everything settled. I had horrific symptoms. I had suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, heart palpitations and just felt lousy. It was a horrible feeling and i didnt want to socialize. I also got on Levothyroxine for a low thyroid. Its been 1 year and 4 months and only IBS, which is severe if I do not eat healthy. But things do settle, I never thought they would. Good Luck