perimeno sweati g and other symptoms

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ok so for a few years now iv had some kind of perimeno symptom like last year i was suffering with driness lack of libido and some night sweats misssed period now and again and geti g angry short temperd sometimes not like me. then dr gave me hrt but i dint take it. then everything settled and i was ok again. then this year i missed a period in feb then in march got one then it didnt stop went on for over six months. had tests done then to,d womb 15 mm thick with a few cysts.all was offerd was norethisterone to stop bleeding told to take it everyday three times a day.which i did for a few weeks then stoped cos i was geting headachs alot but bleedi g came back worse real bad went on for seven days so i went back to the norethisterone, it stoped so i gradualy took it till i was only taki g one a day. i havnt bled but i have been suffering with bad sweating especialy in my crotch area real bad havi g to change my pants often and then havi g some night sweats but its mild. the sweati g in groin is so bad thoe and i cant understand why there? i get wet through like iv peed myself.

does anyone else have sweating like this in just this area? iv stoped taking the pill again today as i want to have a period cant just not have one ever again. and dont want to stay on norethisterone for ever. if i have bad period again then il have to go back on it.

i did lose a bit of yuky chocolate brown distcharge last week but it was just a one off dont know what that was. im also geti g very tierd all time i cant even do much or i cant breath like iv done a marathon or somthi g when all i did was walk up fedup im 47. im sure im to young for all this.i still have young children i get exausted just walking to school for them. then wet through with sweat when i get there.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, peri can go on for years and everyone's experience is individual and different. Some sail through menopause, while others have every symptom going.. I suffered hot flushes mainly, bad at night, waking me a lot. Also joint aches...I started peri when I was 44, I'm 49 now. Have you mentioned the sweating you mention to your GP? Could it be a side effect of tablets you take? Sorry I can't help more, but wanted to reply as you posted a day ago and hadn't had any response as yet

    • Posted

      hi i stoped taking the pills a day ago and started a period today, im going to see if i have a normal period and see if the sweati g stops, im also going to make an apointment next week to see gp as im so tierd all the time il need more pills anyways if im still bleedi g for a wile. im going to talk with gp on what to do and ask for my ho ones to be checked again and thyroid.inonly walked to top of stairs again today and was tierd from it.
  • Posted

    Sounds like you may be anemic from the bleeding. Causes tiredness and shortness of breath

    Easy blood test at doctors and then iron pills if you are. They made such a huge difference in my energy.

    • Posted

      Do you think over the counter iron would help? I know sometimes a prescription has a much higher level of whatever you're getting but I'm clueless about iron! I'm sure I'm anemic as I've been flooding for going on 2 full weeks and I'm EXHAUSTED and utterly out of breath, etc. I feel so horrible but I don't even want to go to doc until my regular appointment or I will have to pay a large co pay! I'm broke and bleeding! Just ugh!

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