perimenopasue symptoms
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Has anyone else ever had strange perimenopause symptoms that aren't normally attributed to menopause? I'm talking about chest pain(tightness), or a pounding chest that can be felt in your upper back by your shoulder blades(especially on the left side)? Or dizziness and shakiness? You hear about the hot flashes or night sweats but I'm having the above symptoms and they're really scary and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced such perimenopausal symptoms. Thank you in advance.
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Guest mckul6
Yes, these were some of my first symptoms last year. Pain in my back next to my left shoulder blade. Chest pains that had me running to the ER. Save yourself all the tests and doctor visits and get tested for viruses. EBV, HHV6, etc.. Nobody seems to want to hear me on this, but peri causes dormant viruses to surface and can cause so many symptoms. Here's my list if I can remember them all, some gone some remaining; sore throat, lump in throat and trouble swallowing, pain in back near left shoulder blade, chest pains, palpitations, shaking internal and external, frozen shoulder, eye flashes, low iron, jelly legs, joint pain, pelvic pain, anxiety, depression, burning feet, adrenaline rushes, burning face, chest and back, crashing fatigue at times, dizzy, headaches, feel like you have the flu, nausea, low temp, high heart rate, trouble breathing in, rib pain, and then hormonal stuff like spotting, breast and ovarian cysts, etc..
Any wonder why I thought I had some dreadful disease this whole year???? The list is daunting.
columba84250 Guest
jamie50513 mckul6
Believe it or not these are a lot of symptoms of perimenopause. I have the palpitations, pounding heart, fast heartbeat, burning feet, dizziness, crashing fatigue, lower back pain, feeling like I can't breathe, anxiety, panic attacks, digestive issues and there is plenty more where that came from. They take turns coming and going.
columba84250 mckul6
Cforce mckul6
I'm not one of the women on here who can say "yes these are definitely peri" because I've not yet been to the doc yet to verify that for myself, but I have literally EVERY symptom you described there, and they come and go. It almost seems as if it happens at random times, but reading other ladies experiences, I'm learning that it's usually the worst close to ovulation, and for me...omg AFTER my period is AWFUL. Then I'll have like a week of relief, think I'm all better, and then it happens again. This forum is keeping me from losing my mind, I don't have insurance so I do my best to eat right and study everything I can to keep myself from thinking I'm dying everytime I have a "symptomatic" day.
It's possible that I'm having a thryroid issue as well, almost all the women in my family go on thyroid meds at this age (I'm almost 47) and hopefully with eating super clean and healthy supplements, I can control it.
Today was terrible, and everytime I have a terrible episode, I find myself on this forum to "justify" why I feel so bad.
I ended up at my moms house today, in a total panic. Absolutely POSITIVE I would end up in the ER. The jittery, weekness, pressure in my head, dizziness or "feeling of almost falling" when I stood up to "walk it off".....a little bit of nausea, not terrible but there...hands shaking like was absolutely horrible and lasted a few hours.
I ended up taking a xanax. Just .25, and it took about 45 minutes to kick in.....once I relaxed a bit, I went home, put on some meditation music, got my pillow and blanket and laid on my couch. (Freaky anxiety told me I could go to my own room or I might freak out again lol).......I ended up falling asleep for like 3 hours. It took everything out of me I was exhausted, and obviously the xanax helped me get to sleep as well.
It ruined my whole day, which I had PLANNED to be super productive, and I basically wasted it losing my mind.
The thing is, the ONLY thing that made me feel "better" about the whole episode, is much as I hate the idea of taking meds like xanax, it did ease my mind because it DID work. Which tells me that..yes, it's just anxiety, because had I actually been having some major health issue...I'm pretty sure a .25 xanax wouldn't have done anything for it.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with that, but reading your post and then the replies from other women are so incredibly helpful. Just to know someone else is dealing with this as well, especially for the many of us without insurance, or who don't live in a country with free healthcare, it can be really scary which just makes the anxiety worse.
I have a constant underlying fear that if I DO scrap up enough money to go have tests run, they're going to tell me I have cancer and then I'm going to stress so bad that the cancer grows and kills me. Hows THAT for anxiety and being paranoid to the point of stupid?? lol. That's me. I wear the badge lol.
I hope you feel better.
I'm going to be trying non-THC CBD oil soon, my son takes it for body ticks (minor tourrettes) and it's a miracle. I've been doing a lot of studying on CBD and perimenapause, along with a gazzilion other things it's good for.
Anyone have any experience w/CBD for anything?