Perimenopause ??
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I am new to this board and am seeking advice. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone whom I can talk to about this.
I think I'm going through Perimenopause however what I've read doesn't define me.
1. I missed my period 2 months in a row, approximately 3 months ago. I did spot. See number 3 for symptoms.
2. I am always on time with my period.
3. This month, I am late. As when I missed my period for 2 months, I experienced extreme cramping (starting last Wednesday), extreme fatigue, and moodiness which has always been common for me. No bleeding yet and according to my typical schedule, I should be. The cramping, fatigue, and moodiness has stopped .. all PMS symptoms for me and always have been.
4. I am 49 years old.
5. No new health conditions for years. Nothing has changed including stress level.
6. Family history: My mom didn't experience menopause as she had to have a hysterectomy In her early 50's. I don't have anyone else.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I feel very alone right now.
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Suki_girl Anne2615
Perimenopause is different for everyone. Irregular, heavier than normal periods, lighter than normal periods, spotting can all happen. When I started perimenopause 4 years ago (at 47) my cycle became irregular, anything from 18 days to 60 days, and my periods were very heavy - floods of blood, in the morning the bed looked like someone had been murdered in it! Sometimes a few day straight after a heavy period I'd have another light one. Anyway, I went to my GP, just to be sure, and I suggest you do to, because although she suspected it was perimenopause she referred me for an untrasound scan of my uterus just in case ... such symptoms can also be caused by fibroids or worse. So, it is always best yo get checked. And if everything is fine, prepare yourself for the rollercoaster that is menopause!
Anne2615 Suki_girl
Thank you Suki girl. I actually replied to my post as you and another responded. Ugghhhhh!!!
I always suffered terribly when getting my period (since I was in my 20's) and didn't believe it could get worse. I was checked quite awhile ago for fibroids, etc. and nothing.
This should be fun and what's worse, is I am single and more or less all alone.
Do appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.
tracy02319 Anne2615
I've just gone through the same symptoms . Mine have the added night sweats and hot flushes , which touch wood have Lates for two weeks, my gyny mentioned taking supplements and having researched a few I take sage, evening primrose and vitamin B with also MenoCool Balck Cohosh.
My children have said my moods are all over the place and I'm only 47!
I have been reading a book by Marilyn Glenville HRT the natural way, this says avoid caffeine Alchol (which is a problem) and avoid sugars.
It's all worth a try before heading down a different path.
Good luck !!
Anne2615 tracy02319
Thank you for getting back to me so soon. Did you have night sweats and hot flushes right away with the other symptoms? I feel so alone in this. I work and work for those in their 20's and 30's. Stressful long hours and am single.
I am NOT looking forward to this and I truly appreciate your response -- especially on a Saturday.
How long if you don't mind me asking, have you been going through these symptoms? Do let me know if the alternative way helps.
tracy02319 Anne2615
Hi Anne
The night sweats started about 8 months ago and only last for two weeks and then disappear so probably when I just turned 47! If I avoid hot drinks and processed foods I do seem to feel better. The other symptoms the other women get , such as anxiety and panic I have had in my earlier years so they haven't started yet or am unknowingly ignoring them as CBT has helped over the years.
Sleep deprivation when working full time must be a killer , so I would concentrate in a healthy diet exercise and cut back on hot drinks . Also layers just in case hot sweats do come on!
We are always in line if you need a chat .
Thanks to both of you for letting me know what you're going through and for your advice. I AM NOT looking forward to this!! I work long hours, am single, and most whom I work with and work for are much younger.
It's good to know I'm not alone.
Suki_girl Anne2615
I too lake supplements. I also have lots advice about combating vaginal dryness, if you get that. I've had the hot flushes and night sweats but, luckily none of the depression, mood wings and anxiety that so many have written about in these forums.
sarah39816 Anne2615
Hello Anne,
It definitely sounds like your are experiencing perimenopausal symptoms. My cycles were as regular as clockwork (roughly every 26 days for all my menstruating years) until I reached age 42 and that's when I began getting more PMS type symptoms (heavy cramps, irritability, fatigue) prior to my period which had definitely started to vary. Some months my cycle would be 21 days, other times it would be 50 days. Then I'd go back to the 26 day cycle for a few months. I saw my dr., I had a few tests, and she confirmed that I was perimenopausal.
I will be 47 in a few months. My cycles are all over the place, but are getting further apart. Some months when I miss my period, I still get cramps, irritability and fatigue. I am also now experiencing more perimenopausal symptoms (hot flashes, anxiety, extreme fatigue, feelings of "going crazy", digestive issues, muscle pain, as well as many others). I recently saw my dr. and she has performed blood tests and hormone panel test (urine and saliva), as well as tests for my thyroid. I am considering bio identical hormone therapy, as well as several other options to help alleviate some my symptoms.
I would suggest you visit your GP or other heathcare provider and discuss your concerns. There are many things that can be done to help manage the peri symptoms. I believe it will give you peace of mind and help you to feel better.
Also, at my last appointment I asked my dr. if there is a connection to family history regarding menopause. My mother didn't complete menopause until she was 58. My dr. told me every woman is different.
I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon! Hang in there! You will get through this. Hugs--Sarah
Suki_girl Anne2615
sharPharmD Anne2615