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i am wondering if anyone has experienced rib cage pain with perimenopause?? i have had what i think is costochondritis for a few months now. ive had two hormone blood tests and they both cane back that my hormones are in the normal range but my periods have changed. i can tell things are changing. i also have twitching in my rib cage and i feel like my arms and legs are weak a lot of the time. any help/info would be appreciated!
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sharcerv52408 nakai25859
Yes this is very common and very uncomfortable. What sometimes helps me is to take an ibuprofen. A few of the women here have mentioned getting this during peri. My hormones all come back in the normal range too but I am skipping periods every other month. I don't know what has to happen for my blood work to coincide with these symptoms. I guess I would have to skip several periods in a row. I just want to be me again.
nakai25859 sharcerv52408
oh wow. thank you so much for responding. you cant imagine how great it feels to hear this. so glad im not alone!!
CarolKelso nakai25859
yes i have. this quite a lot so dont worry....
its part if the course and will pass.
nakai25859 CarolKelso
thank you so much for responding and letting me know its normal. it means so much to me!
jamie37119 nakai25859
May I suggest asking the doctor about it anyway? You shouldn't have to suffer like this 😦
nakai25859 jamie37119
oh i wish i had enough time to tell you all the drs I've seen since this all began at the end of october. its been a whirlwind. and they are all as perplexed as i am. 
jamie37119 nakai25859
I get these symptoms too, I have tender ribs, and my arms will get shaky and weak a lot of the time. I find sometimes my entire spine hurts as well.
nakai25859 jamie37119
yep! me too! our bodies are weird, wacky things!
sandra87208 nakai25859
i have just put up a post about this awful symptom . i worry so much its my heart but if a lot of you ladies have it must be connected to menopause. my dr and e r dr said i had costochronditis too my left ribcage and all around my left breast is so tender painful and stingy. i hope all of us will forget about all these horrible things when we are finally through this hell that is menopause
jamie37119 nakai25859
I often find myself wondering why we are having these symptoms, it is not like we have them when we first get our period or during pregnancy, so what is so different about going into menopause?
nakai25859 jamie37119
YES!!!!!!!! I wonder the same thing!