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Hi, I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions, I've been going through the perimenopause since my mid thirties,(I'm 46 now) I am on estrogen only HRT and for the past couple of months I have been getting what I call body cramps, I can only describe as flu like symptoms. Its agony, and all I want is too sleep, it literally floors me, very difficult when I have two young children and a job. Also during these episodes I overheat, fingers swell, overall I'm miserable. Has anybody else being going through the same? Any advice would be appreciated

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there i was on the alan titchmarsh show today u can catch it on demand if u have that, lots of advice on there try lady care its a magnetic product that is supposed to work a treat, check out ladycare,co,uk hope this helps xx
  • Posted

    Thanks Julie I will check it out. X
  • Posted

    Hi Ladies, I have tried the Ladycare and it worked for about a year then stopped. I have tried just about everything on the market for hot flushes and night sweats including hormone cream, clack cohosh, sage amongst others and have now come to the conclusion that your body becomes use to these things and stope working. If anyone can give me and suggestions, i would be extremely grateful as i am at my wits end now.

    Thank you

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy sorry to hear the ladycare stoped working did u try a new one ?. There is a suppliment out called nutrition fx for the menopause it is recomended by doctor Chris steel from this morning . I have bought them then decided to try the lady care. I have been using it since last wed and not had any menopausal symptoms which is grt for me at the min as was having upto 20 flushes a day .
  • Posted

    Hi Julie, I contacted the company and they tested it and said there was nothing wrong with it, although a new one would probably work???? I stopped using it and tried again a few weeks ago but still the symptoms are just as bad. I will look into the nutrition fx. Thank you so much for that, I am so desperate i will try anything.

    Thanks again.

  • Posted

    Really yea sounds a bit weird !! Good luck hun its a terrible time isn't it xx
  • Posted

    Ive been looking at the Nutrition FX and it will cost me £35 per month, not sure if this is affordable to me, any other suggestions please??
  • Posted

    Just found a product called Novanutri, the web site is exactly the same as Nutrition fx, says the same things about Chris Steele promoting it on This morning etc, am really dubious now?????
  • Posted

    Really does it ? I think maybe a trip to an alternative medicine doc or shop would be a good idea
  • Posted

    just saw this anout those companies. I was a bit confused too, so rang novanuturi. spoke to evette who is

    woman on show with dr steel. she's really helpful coz she's been thru it all-we talked about all the problems ive been having n especially moods and tired. wud certainly recommend calling product support line from the website.

    yes it's expensive up front, but she explained that the 60 capsules last her 2 months so that works out at about 50p;/day. spoke to my hubby about it and he's ok for me to give it a go coz things are bad an I don't want hrt.

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      I know this is an old thread but did you try the fx product you mentioned. Ive bought some online ut wa ted to hear if they work. X

  • Posted

    my doctor has put me on clonidine so will see how that goes. Good luck .
  • Posted

    Hi Wendy,

    just googled clonidin and it says its for high blood pressure, not menopause- confused!! rolleyes

    Does this mean you can't come off it ever again because your body gets used to this medicine?

    I'm on day 4 of evette's pills. How you getting on? Do you get hot flushes all the time?

    Fingers crossed for you. smile

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah. It says u have to.come off it gradually. hot flushes still as strong but it can take up to 4 weeks to work.

    my hot flushes are constant about every w 20 mins day n night.fingers crossed for u too x

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy. How you doing? Hope the clinidin is working, flushes every 20 mins sounds just horrid...poor you!! sad

    My flushes have virtually done now, am really pleased. Still get odd 1, especially trafiic jams when I get anoeyed. Just hoping it lasts now..

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