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Im hoping that some of you ladies will be able to shed some light on my situation.

Im 37 and have been experiencing almost every symptom of perimenopause. The worst ones being, anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, hot flushes, periods areso unpredictable. I have suffered with pcos but know how that affects my periods etc. My periods have never been this far apart.... Ever! They have also become lighter and shorter in duration. I have mood swings constantly and feel irritable but this could be due to the sleep deprivation. I have been backwards and forwards to my gp. He did some blood tests on my hormones which have came back within normla I right in saying that blood tests are normal during perimenopause??

My mum seems to think im heading for the menopause as she got similar symptoms, she was only 39 when her periods completely stopped.

I really dont know where to go from here. Cant seem to convince the drs this is hormones

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42 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alison

    Yes blood tests for hormone levels can fluctuate at different times of your cycle so difficult to use results as an indication of peri menopause. It does sound like you are experiencing many of the symptoms that we all on here have. 

    I hope you can find some good tips and advice from the lovely ladies on here who are going through the same as you.

  • Posted


    I'm 40 this year and have the night sweats, face flushes but what it worse is the anxiety. I can't believe it's this bad. The doc tells me I'm too young and that all the symptoms are due to anxiety. My periods are regular with day 2 being a bit heavier than other days but nothing major. What I have trouble with is when the bleeding stops on day 4 or 5 the brown discharge which gets lighter and lighter lasts for another 4 - 5 days, is this normal? There isn't a lot but I think it's because I'm looking all the time. It has got to the point where u will only buy white toilet paper so I can tell if there's anything wrong. I'm on day 11 now and having symptoms of ovulation. Great.

    • Posted

      The same happens to me, then I have a small red bleed at ovulation. Then the palpitations and fast heart rate starts,  I guess as the hormone levels have changed. This lasts till my period. I think I can say I only feel 'normal' for about 5 days in a month.
    • Posted

      My Dr keeps telling me im to young also.

      My anxiety is really bad. Im on antidepressants and have tried all of them and none seem to work so is this really down to anxiety??

      Lately I get that brown stuff and spotting about 2/3 days before my period starts and after ive finished bleeding. I only bleed properly for about 2 days, its strange bcus ive never been like that. I can relate to the only buying white toilet roll...I do the same!

    • Posted

      I'm 57! Eek. Too old for all this!  I'm sooo tired.  I didn't have regular periods in my earlier years. My mum and a sister had hysterectomys so I dont have a family history as a guide. Since finding this site a month ago I've learnt so much.

      Hope you don't mind me joining in with your younger ladies discussions?

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      Of course not maisie. Have you gone through the menopause now? How old was you when you began with peri. Sorry im asking alot of questions :-)
    • Posted

      No problem. No I still have regular monthly periods, very heavy and clots.  I take iron and B12 for anaemia.  And have a 3cm fibroid. Been offered Mirena coil 12 months ago.  Don't fancy that. Could have hysterectomy but keep thinking that surely I'll have menopause soon. Been having palpitations and fluttery heart/tummy for couple of months. was told was anxiety, given Omeprazole. Forums here say it has bad side effects. I'm so confused as to what to do for best. Been having night sweats and insomnia but nothing in the day. Just feel yeuk and avoid going out whenever possible. Comforting tho, that lots of other ladies feel the same.
    • Posted

      That happens to me too. I get anxiety and fast heart beat during ovulation and right before and after a period. Im thinking hormones are fluctuating at those times. I get short cycles now where I may bleed for 3or 4 solid days and then the next three days is a brown bleed that's pretty light. This just started happening a few months ago.
    • Posted

      I'm 38 and sane thing. Mum started at my age, had her LAST period at 50 then it was over. I SPOT now too , very light and light brown sometimes 3 days leading up to my MUCH shorter cycles. Heavy bleed for two two days then can stop cold turkey, next cycle normal and so forth. 

      So yeh don't fret. My bloods return normal too.


    • Posted

      Omg I cannot live like this for over 10 yrs I will have gone mad by then :-(
  • Posted

    I had this issue. Except the bleeding cos i had a hyster... left with one ovary .. finally seen an endocrinologist after dr for years said my hormones were ok. Ended up they wernt. Plus it had worn me down that much that i had several other hormones out range as well. Its not only the sex hormones ie estrogen than can cause these symptoms.. i have my whole endocrine system except panceas hormones out now.. grrr to drs who gave me a barage of drugs for anxiety cos thats what they said i had.... has taken months to withdraw. Ask to see a endocrinologist...dont let it go .i now that fatigued i been off work and unable to function daily......good luck
    • Posted

      Any gp s that go straight to anxiety should be de registered. Perimenopause can have similar symptoms. Dont just assume its anxiety and then dont treat with some of the antianxiety meds unless you know for sure....they can be poison and life changing. They have taking 2 years off my life. ......and i still fighting illness.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Some of us have many menopausal symptoms. I had them all plus some.......and sone uncommon ones. Plus due to this now have other endocrine imbalances due to body worn out.....
    • Posted

      Theg Omg you are so right. Unfortunately I fell for the anxiety diagnosis and have been tried on so many antidepressants etc that havent worked, im now on one with little relief from my symptoms and scared to stop as I have had horrendous withdrawal from others. Are you in the UK Theg? And how old are you if you dont mind me asking
    • Posted

      Anti depressants didnt work for me neither did anti anxiety drugs .i was on a benzo . (Its an addictive poison). I only ever got the side effects to these no benefit what so ever. You can stop just

      Do it very slowly staying at reduced dosages until u feel ok. Can be a few weeks. Then after u stop completly your body needs to learn to operate again without them. Can take a while depends on duration you taken drugs strength and the way you metabolize. We all different. Just do it slow to b safe. If using benzos thst takes longer u need to read up on them....i am super sensitive so i have been in hell. Dont ever just stop it xan be dangerous. I am 53 so a bit older but i was struggling when your age dont let it go on as long as me. I been worse last couple years since ad and anti anxiety drugs introduced. I in aussie. Land... looks like dr.s are tje same world wide.

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      What were your symptoms Theg, including the uncommon ones? I'm trying to figure out if all my symptoms, and I have many, are menopausal or not! 
    • Posted

      My symptoms are many. Most of the ones u read about. but main ones in order of life hindering are brain fog nausea that lasts all day fatigue insomnia muscle aches blurry vision drastic weight loss 10 kg when i was only 53 kg to start with. no appetite tinitus anxiety over health headache daily heart pulps. night sweating hot flushes etc etc
    • Posted

      Theg I get all of these symptoms :-( I looked up the 66 symptoms of perimenopause / menopause and I dont think there is one I dont have! I had a period finally about 2 weeks ago which wasnt normal at all for me but then they havent been for a while now. I thought I was getting pmt /pms but im still getting it after a week or so of finishing it. My boobs are hurting, ive period pain etc. Im so fed up of this and not getting anywhere with my drs as to whats causing it!
    • Posted

      sounds like u could b then .. tests are not reliable .. when u reach menopause they more accurate c os not flucuating much at all i think .but in peri they change from day to day...dr need to go on your symptoms. they wouldnt with me either and for 2 years i have suffered with no let up......aiso ask to get tested for helebactor pylori. bug lives in stomach and can make u sick with similar symptons....which was the reason i y i lost weight during peri. i have both being treated for h b now .
    • Posted

      The only thing different for me is that I have put on weight all in the middle and I find it so difficult to lose! I was tested for h pylori and it came back clear.... Theres just no reason for most of the symptoms but they always put it down to anxiety. My argument is then why arent the anti anxiety meds working then? Its hard not to get anxious when you have all these symptoms is it!
    • Posted

      You are right and that is the frustrating part. I went to the ER and docs a gazillion times trying to get to the bottom of the symptoms. And nothing was never found. I thank God for that but at the same time, I wanted to know why I was having these symptoms. I had to realize that it's hormones. There are some knowledgeable docs on this issue out there, but it's not a lot. It's the body's natural transition so they just don't take it as seriously as they should. All we can do is decide how we want to treat it. We can go the natural route with herbal supplements, the medical route with BHRT and Ad's or just take vitamins and deal with it. Cutting down on the caffeine and sugar, taking in water and more protein, eating small meals often, and any exercise we can get. Practice some relaxation techniques and take the best care of yourself that you can. Definitely stay with the forum, Its good to have support of other women going through the same things as you.
    • Posted

      Absolutely, we have to find info, and help each other, since docs do not always know or care as we all do!Not to knock the good docs though.Love Stella42

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