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Hi I'm 46 and quite fit. My periods are getting weird with some being light then others really heavy for 6 days and the some don't turn up. Obviously in perimenopause? My question is does anyone else feel exhausted?

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    I do, I exercize lso, God knows if I didn't I would feel worse. I also feel tired even after I just got up. My periods are heavy, light , once a month or every 7 weeks. All these changes are driving me nuts.

  • Posted

    Hi Natalie same situation with me, I'm also 46 and try to keep myself fit walking and going to gym,but my periods are all over the place at the moment,and some days I feel really exhausted,so I know what your going through,i take the Vitabiotics well woman original vitamins which do give me a bit of a boost,hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Hello,  Yes my periods are light then heavy and lasting a full 7 days which is odd-- it was never that long!!   My energy level is out the window at 47!! I was napping heavily a few weeks ago, now not so much.   Just doing the bare minimum to get by as far as household stuff.   I guess all I can do is eat more healthy food and keep moving.  Hopefully this will get better!!
    • Posted

      And it really bothers me to see others (around my age) looking good and having a great time?   WHY?   I don't understand other than it's me feeling yucky... I want to feel better!!

    • Posted

      Kelly, that is EXACTLY how I feel! Where are the other tired women? I haven't been exercising recently, but typically I do at least walk. ANd I eat pretty healthy. So, my thought is, I am doing all this when I know ladies that dont and i dont understand how they have energy. I guess we are all different , but it sure is nice to know there are others like me

  • Posted


    im also 46, knackered a lot, even doing barely anything. Mood swings are terrible,

    The last 2 months I've been few weeks late for my period, reflux is 99% worse, 

    tired of being tired, started HRT last Tuesday and done bugger all for me?

    get how u feel, your so not on tour own with this!!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Shelly, stick with the hrt hun,  a week on it is no time at all. you really need to give it a good 3mth trial to see if it helps, & even if it doesn't you have other hrt options to try in consult with your doc, so please don't give up hope. i started hrt in april; 2-3wks in my mental symptoms improved significantly, my sleep got better, palpitations & headaches lessened. with more time, i rarely get the dawn to dusk headaches, no palps, & back in control mentally. Hope this gives you some hope hun. xxx

  • Posted

    i am 57 and had all that till about a year ago, then 9 months went by and no cycle. Then at that 9 months, the cycle from hell came (migraine, 10 days of mess, 7 heavy, no energetc.) now it's been 3 months since that.  The last 10 years have been very un-fun, but thankfully there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  The awfulness of it has made me deeply appreciate not having it. My worst symptom now, I can't sleep. I wake at midnight, two, three . . . then I can't go back to sleep.  3 hours at best 5 hours sleep a night. If you have to go to work, it is hard. 

    Hope all you ladies here feel better soon!  

    • Posted

      Hi Dee hope you don't mind me asking but did you ever go down the hrt route,i tried it for 10 months,but got scared of all the talk of increased risk of breast cancer,plus it was really given me bad anxiety especially at night,so came off it a couple of months ago,but then my hot flushes came back ,so any advice for them would be appreciated.

    • Posted

      Hi,  Just wanted to let you know that there is a womens health vitimin on HSN that has excellent reviews which most of them are about hot flashes.  You might want to look into it...


    • Posted

      Hi Angie,

      No, I did not take anything for my meapausal symptoms, I just rode with it the best I could. Hearing how everyone is struggling with all the meds and docs don't seem to know what they are doing half the time, I am glad I didn't use them.

      My ND said hotflashes flush out toxins.  I still get them, mostly at bedtime, they wake me and I can't get back to sleep, but I do love how exillerating they feel, they are a natural part of life. I don't try to fight most of it. 

  • Posted

    Yes Natalie I felt so exhausted I could barely move and felt tired all the time.

    I am not as exhausted as I used to be although I get very tired at night but that's

    probably due to the fact that I keep waking up all night with the hot flushes.

    I tend to wake up earlier too now and get up, which is nice in a way as I

    like the mornings. I am 56 now and have only just got over the exhaustion

    but every one is different so you don't know how long any of these symptoms will

    last. The heavy periods are probably making it worse.


    luck with it all. Keep having a laugh that will get you through!

    All the best.

  • Posted

    Hi Natalie, I might not be the best person to answer this as I have M.E. which makes me exhausted anyway but since starting the perimemopause I feel a lot worse like I have this extra tiredness on top of my usual exhaustion. Have you tried yoga? I find it seems to help my M.E. and the some of the menopause symptoms. Only problem I have is having the energy to do it in the first place!


    • Posted

      Yes I think yoga is a good thing for relaxing. I used to do it and loved it. Unfortunately I can't do it now due to arthritis in my spine. Give it a go if you can.

    • Posted

      Before the menopause started I started going to a remedial yoga class and was so pleased I'd found exercise I could actually do and did it at home sometimes too. But ended up not having the energy to go to the class anymore and lost the motivation to try it at home. Have recently started trying it at home again and find it does really relax me, helps my joints, helps me sleep and seems to reduce the hot flushes too so am determined to keep going with it.

    • Posted

      That sounds really positive Elaine. That's the spirit!😊😊

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