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Hi all. I'm not sure if it's starting. I have anxiety which I have had for about ten years, but has got worse the last few months. I have headaches, itchy skin on my elbows, muscle pain in my legs and feeling tired. The worse thing is what could be hot flushes. Not to the point where I sweat, just feeling warm which is uncomfortable. I take Pregabalin for the anxiety and also take Mirtazapine for sleep. I wanted to ask if anyone takes medication and also any herbal remedies. I did ask my doctor about them but they said they wouldn't recomment it. And I'm sure some meds can't be taken with some remedies. I haven't seen my doctor about it yet and some can just pass it off as only anxiety.
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Indifferent Swanscity
Three weeks ago I was a suicidal mess of anxiety and fear...along with just being in a fog, tired and very distracted. I noticed a HUGE difference within 20 minutes of my forst dose and have been doing better and better since I have been taking a mix of five difference essenses daily.
Swanscity Indifferent
Hi. I've tried Rescue spray, the sweets and the ones that melt on your tongue. Unfortunately they haven't done anything for me. I've bought Sage tablets which are supposed to help with the flushes. I'll ask my doctor if they are ok to take with medication.
samantha42795 Swanscity
Swanscity samantha42795
I have bought Sage tablets (Menoforce) for hot flushes. I haven't taken them yet. I asked the pharmacist if there are any interactions with Pregabalin and Mirtazapine, but she couldn't find any info on it.
Lotti1966 Swanscity
kim94806 Swanscity
Oh yes...I experience everything you have mentioned with this perimenopause. Including the itchy elbows.. I do wish it all would end! It's horrible..Never know from day to day how I'm going to feel..My best to you!
Swanscity kim94806
Thank you. Same here. Can't plan ahead. I thought it was something to do with my medication, but they have only been itching for the past few weeks. I can feel them itching all the time. They are red and sore.
kim94806 Swanscity
Yeah. I have read somewhere that some women experience dry, itchy elbows during perimenopause. Mine will go through spells where they itch so much. They also get little bumps on them at times when they itch. The anxiety is awful. Then at times I fear every ache and pain is a deadly disease of some sort. Alot of times, I don't know how I'm going to make it through another day at work. It's a roller coaster ride . Just wish it would end. I'll be 49 in January, hoping and praying the perimenopause will all be over soon. I sure do hope you get to feeling better with your problems you experience. I feel for you. It's not easy...
samantha42795 kim94806
Swanscity kim94806
samantha42795 Swanscity
Swanscity samantha42795
I've been on so many different meds for anxiety, some which gave me horrible side effects. Pregabalin only works to some extent.
samantha42795 Swanscity
Swanscity samantha42795
Hi. My anxiety started when I had IBS (apparently it's connected). I used to get a fear of being ill while I was out driving. I still get it now when driving. The IBS has calmed down, but I still have the anxiety
Swanscity samantha42795
I've started seeing a counsellor, only had one session with her. So hope this helps with the anxiety.