Perimenopause and extreme panic attacks
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HI Everyone!
I started the journey of Perimenopause 2 years ago and have had increasing anxiety and now severe panic attacks to the point i went to the ER YESTERDAY. Chest pain, trouble breathing, unable to concentrate, drenching sweats night and day. I'm an RN and need to be on my toes. I Cant take hormone replacement due to a heart issue. Can anyone tell me where to go from here? Ive been on antidepressants for years and its doing nothing for this anxiety im dealing with now. IM a mom and a wife and feel like im failing at everything I do. Please help. Thank you
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Cloutie kellyb75
Hi Kelly, perhaps think about changing your anti depressant to one that helps with anxiety?
It is hard to be a wife, mother and a working woman.... You need to try and take time out for yourself.... A head massage or a long soak in the bath.... With no interruptions! You are not a failure, you are just feeling overwhelmed, it's probably all the hormonal changes. Speak to you doctor about supplements as well as an alternative anti depressant.... So many help with anxiety.
mauiblue kellyb75
Hi kelly
May I ask what heart issue you have that you can't do the hrt?
I've got an irregular rhythm that I don't think about much because the mood aspect of menopause overshadows everything else.
What do your medical people say?
I take a small dose of propanolol 40 mg as needed only when I get out of rhythm.
I understand what your dealing with and so many other ladies here do.
Let me know, get might be an option
mauiblue kellyb75
Hi kelly
May I ask what heart issue you have that you can't do the hrt?
I've got an irregular rhythm that I don't think about much because the mood aspect of menopause overshadows everything else.
What do your medical people say?
I take a small dose of propanolol 40 mg as needed only when I get out of rhythm.
I understand what your dealing with and so many other ladies here do.
Let me know, get might be an option
jazzy77001 kellyb75
hi there, I was going through this not long ago. It really is frightening, I feel for you. I have found the natural progesterone creams (wild yam) really helpful. It took about 2 months to notice a big difference for me but it's probably different for everyone. Also breathing exercises and meditation regularly not just in the midst. Clean eating, no caffeine or alcohol. Exercise and yoga. Herbal teas. Also read recovery stories (google). Try to remember they can't hurt you and don't enable them...I mean keep functioning. I personally stopped doing things thinking it caused them and this just made it worse for me. you know the saying "feel the fear and do it anyway". If you are able, see a psychologist. learn mindfulness techniques. look after yourself and ask your family to be gentle with you. Much love to you, you are going to get through. Remember they can't hurt you, it's just a panic attack, it will pass. Journal. xx
kimberly31329 kellyb75
Hi Kelly, I too began panic attacks and anxiety 2 years ago. I've learned much from this site and going to an anxiety group. I've learned to prioritize mindfulness exercises which I need as much as food and water. I worry so much about my own mortality, then I learned about reading recovery stories/near death experiences. It really helped. Keep checking in here. These ladies are a godsend. Blessings to you.
Clare1971 kellyb75
HI Kelly this is how my path started on peri road with anxiety and extreme panic attacks . i was unable to leave the house or drive they were so severe . There is nothing we can do just ggo along with it and be brave facing this. I Have been my own health advocate as my male GP doesnt give two hoots how i feel and menopause is just hot flushes , oh we wish ah ! i have tried anti depressants , diazapam you name it . I Now bath in epsom salts as magnesium or lack of can be a problem,i take CBD oil and walk . I now have a gluten free diet and juice vegetables every day to get natural vitamins and minerals .Iam far frim a tree hugger just a desperate wife, mother and daughter looking to be well again or make this journey a little easier ...
beth54337 kellyb75
Sorry to hear you are dealing with this.I worked as a nurse for 8 yrs when I was younger,I'm fixing to be 43 and it is a hard job even when you feel normal.all of my problems hit me like a ton of bricks 3 months ago and panic and anxiety where big ones.I went for weeks without proper sleep and the all the anxiety and being sleep deprived caused a weird out of body experience that scared the crap out if me.Then it started happening more and more frequent,which caused more anxiety,which caused more episodes.I still experience them but not as bad.Anxiety and panic are the worst.I would rather have more physical symptoms than mental ones.I have found that 400 mg of magnesium glycinate before bed helps.I'm just ready for this to be over.One day at a time I guess. Sending you prayers and hugs.
God Bless,