Perimenopause.. catch 22
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Hi all,
Does anyone else feel like perimenopause is a catch 22??
I'm finding this of late.
I have every textbook symptom going. Insomnia being a biggie. I find when I haven't slept well I have worse fatigue (if that's possible) and more palpitations.
This then triggers anxiety, lightheadedness and dizziness... and a whole host of other ugly symptoms.
I'm also currently experiencing bad allergies. Hayfever and asthma symptoms being worse. Symptoms I developed during perimenopause.
Can anyone else relate to this?
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karen77710 dora_39625
evi75119 dora_39625
I have also been diagnosed with bile reflux and milk chocolate really irritates me...I eat only dark chocolate
dora_39625 evi75119
Bizarre, isn't it?..
Who'd have thought perimenopause could do this to our bodies.
Guest dora_39625
maria76995 Guest
Hi Liza, peri is terrible wait till your periods end the fun begins then I don't know now which is worst..hope you get better soon.
evi75119 dora_39625
I remember the day that I went with my father to have a cardiogram because I thought I had heart disease. Of course everything was fine.
In 2012, I started with severe PMDD symptoms, mainly emotional, vivid dreams, sugar cravings, irritability along with depression, insomnia, hot flashes before my period etc!
Now since 2016, all the physical symptoms have manifested, allergies, fatigue, joints pains, severe IBS, scalp formication ( this is one of my worse, the worst I think) etc
I have never heard the term and the existence of perimenopause.
I am still having regular menses and I can feel my ovulation but it is very painful. Obviously the fluctuation of my hormones during my monthly cycle are erratic
I am wondering how many years this hell may last.
I am determined to take some medical help if it is attainable in order to improve my quality of life and because I am scared a lot for osteopenia and diabetes.
I am really tired of this demonic hormonal imbalance
dora_39625 evi75119
It's shocking right?
What's even more terrible is the lack of information and support our there.
Like yourself, I had never even heard of perimenopause!
Doctors do not seem to be equipped with the knowledge to help with this. Nor do they appear to be bothered. It's just shocking.
These are very real symptoms with debilitating side effects.
Something has to change in the medical profession.
Millions of women globally are being failed by the system. It's so unfair and unnecessary.
2chr2015 evi75119
2chr2015 evi75119
evi75119 2chr2015
It is the only drug that helps to absorb the bile salts from my stomach. Other antacids such as omeprazole caused me serious side effects ( dyspnea, caugh, increase of bile, chest pain)
Doctor advised me to stop PPI , it is not for my case and prescirbed riopan gel. It really helps me.
Some of my IBS symptoms are bloating, ton of gas, sometimes diarreah other times constipation.
evi75119 dora_39625
The doctors keep telling me you are too young, take antidepressants you have anxiety, do not read on the internet, I am the doctor
( I know I am young but unfortunately it happens and I need help)
They do not believe how delibitating are the symptoms. If they could feel them, I am sure they could not stand nor for an hour.
Today I am sneezing, I think that I have to start my antistamine sinus spray to prevent catarrh
dora_39625 evi75119
How old are you?
I'm 42 and my symptoms started a couple if years ago, although I actually noticed changes in my late 30's!
evi75119 dora_39625
I am much younger! Are you ready? I will be 32 in the summer. Maybe it is autoimmune, genetic or idiopathic hypoestrogenism in my case, because perimenopause under 40's is considered premature
?In May 2016 I had a rupture cyst laparascopy, it was luteal cyst...Now I have a large cyst again to my other ovary that has to be removed.
?I am wondering if my body creats cysts with the result the destruction of ovarian tissue or my body cannot produce estrogen for some other reason. Whatever the root cause, I have all the symptoms of estrogen deficiency, I am too young and I need help.
?Did you have any blood tests?
dora_39625 evi75119
I too have had history of ovarian cysts and also had fibroid couple of years ago.
You should definitely seek help and advice. Push for this.
Yes I've had hormones checked a few times but apparently they are ok.
Been told this is very common and bloods aren't always accurate. Doctors go more by symptoms especially as perimenopause doesn't always show low hormone levels.
Have you spoke to anyone?
evi75119 dora_39625
On my first laparoscopy the biopsy showed it was luteal cyst..I had a rupture on midcycle.
Now, my current cyst is non functional but only after surgery the doctor will be able to tell me what kind it is...
It is not cancerous according to indicators ( Ca125 and some others which I do not remember the terms now)
Have you noticed which days of the month feel better? I think I am a little better the third week of my menstrual cycle.
Apart from this do the weather changes such as rainy and humid weather affect your joints and your bones?
Next week I have an appointment to discuss about the surgery and I hope doctor give me sth to regulate somehow my hormones...
I cannot live like this anymore.
I believe that am a good person and I do not what I have done to suffer like this and so young.
2chr2015 evi75119
jc__16362 dora_39625
Thank go for forums like this. I have never felt so unwell. I’m now going through a breathless phase which would be worrying because it isn’t on the official list of menopausal symptoms. But I see from other comments it is common.I’m not sure the doctor believes me - I’ve got so many different things wrong that he doesn’t know where to start.
dora_39625 evi75119
I'm not too sure what cysts they were but I know I suffered bad with them.
Even after having my daughter they were back! I was in alot if pain and discomfort with them. I think I was once told that they were normal as appeared during monthly cycle..
I like you found 3rd week of cycle better. Now it's completely changed since perimenopause and am finding most of the weeks terrible!
Yes, I do get achy joints in horrible weather. Wrists, knees, occasional hip... you name it I've got it.
I hope you get the help and support that you need. It is really difficult at times but you'll get through it.
dora_39625 jc__16362
I found the breathlessness one of the early symptoms of perimenopause. Roughly began in winter 2016. Had No idea what was happening at the time and found it a very scary period.
Took almost a year to find out I had hayfever/asthma! I now have an inhaler which I use when needed.
I've read that this is a very common symptom of perimenopause.
What other symptoms do you have?
I have literally every textbook symptom.
jc__16362 dora_39625
Bowel cramping started a few months ago and lasted about 4 weeks - that was horrible.
Now it’s the breathlessness - I feel like I have a chest cold.
I’m fed up with it - if this is the start of years of stuff let Kind regards this I don’t know how I’ll cope!
I guess I should think glass half full and be grateful the symptoms are taking turns rather than all at once
dora_39625 jc__16362
I've recently been suffering with crashing fatigue.. absolutely horrific!
Had no idea what it was until after. Still get fatigue and jelly legs and spaced out feeling. Horrible, horrible, horrible! This can't be normal, right?!
2chr2015 dora_39625
dora_39625 2chr2015
Also felt nauseous.
2chr2015 dora_39625