Perimenopause. Does HRT help reduce palpitations and flutters ?

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Does HRT reduce palpitations,flutters and acid reflux and head pressure?

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9 Replies

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    Hi Michelle,

    I was getting full on palpitations that seemed to go on for ages. Within the first week on HRT they returned to being more flutters and that was how they started.

    I haven't had any for about 3 months now I've been on HRT 4 months.

    So yes it worked for me.

    I had managed to get the acid reflux under control myself before I started HRT. I was having to take proton pump inhibitors but they only seemed to cut down on the amount of attacks.

    I found ginger capsules 2 before meals (about 1/2 hour before) and ginger tea made with fresh ginger worked better than the prescribed medicine.

    I made a big pan of ginger tea peel and finely slice fresh ginger and steep in boiling water for five minutes. I drank some hot and put the rest in the fridge and sipped throughout the day and especially after meals.

    After a few months I stopped to see how it was and I haven't really had it since. Some times I do belch and taste my food but normally only the once whereas before it would go on all evening and often I could still taste my evening meal the next day when I got up.

  • Posted

    What helps is elevating the head of the bed for acid reflux. I just put a thick books under the 2 legs.
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    yes, mine almost completely stopped after starting hrt.
    • Posted

      Thankyou. I'm hoping mine do ,also all the other horrible symptoms. It is really getting me down,I always seem to be ill now and every day is like I am existing not living 😕
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    lim a Michelle to LOL

    anway me to I'm in peri and experienced a lot of symptoms so far.......

    not had the flutters ( don't think so anyway?)

    could you tell me or anyone tell me what this is?

    im sure if I haven't experienced it yet I no doubt will soon......load just about everything else thrown at me!!!!!!

    one thing I do suffer really bad though with the reflux  I'm on medication for this......migranes have become much worse and now suffer with IBS......

    so could you let me know about the flutters please?!!!!!....

    thanks Michelle.

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      You get a feeling of fast heartbeat and tickling feeling in chest area. It's hard to explain. I seem to have loads of horrible symptoms. What about you?

  • Posted

    For some women it does for others it can increase the symptoms for example I was recently on the patch which caused breast pain and chest pain went to the primary out of panic and found everything was ok stopped the patch called the GYN who of course never returned my call I'm now just taking vitamins in hopes to relieve some of these problems evening primrose seems to relief some of the symptoms as well as magnesium B complex vitamin D acid reflux Zantac twice a day seems to work well hope this helps
    • Posted

      Thanks . I am taking vitamin B and magnesium. Perhaps I need to up strength of magnesium . What strength do you take?

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