Perimenopause/feeling terrible/palpitation
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Hi ladies, I need some advice and support as far as peri and all the terrible symptoms can come along with it. I have been having palpitaions as one of my major problems. had them bad when I was pregnant also. Went to a cardiologist a few years ago and had blood work and EKG. Doctor said it was from anxiety. What do I do? I'm constantly taking my pulse usually around 81-88. Was told 60- 100 is normal range. I afraid I'm going to die.. please help!
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kezzabird30 jennifer85396
michelle46271 kezzabird30
jennifer85396 kezzabird30
michelle46271 jennifer85396
I expect it is from the anxiety that this is happening.
I never had palpitations until 5 months ago. It really frightened me,I didn't know what was wrong. Within time I realised it was peri. It had to be because I had an ECG and it was OK. My pulse rate at times is 100 because I'm in a nervy state. Other times 82. I have tried so hard to remind myself I'm not ill it's this horrible menopause. I know it's hard and so frightening when it happens. I'm hoping things will start to ease soon x
michelle50768 jennifer85396
Deep breath put on some meditation music. The ladies on here are amazing. They will help you put things into perspective. Because as we all know with peri health anxiety becomes a major thing.
Hang in there its a crazy roller coaster ride. I've been on it for nine years so far. Currently six months with no period.
Hope you feel better soon x
jennifer85396 michelle50768
jamie50513 jennifer85396
deidra40034 jennifer85396
deidra40034 jennifer85396
jennifer85396 deidra40034
deidra40034 jennifer85396
karen71465 jennifer85396
deidra40034 karen71465
karen71465 deidra40034
deidra40034 karen71465