Perimenopause/feeling terrible/palpitation

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Hi ladies, I need some advice and support as far as peri and all the terrible symptoms can come along with it. I have been having palpitaions as one of my major problems. had them bad when I was pregnant also. Went to a cardiologist a few years ago and had blood work and EKG. Doctor said it was from anxiety. What do I do? I'm constantly taking my pulse usually around 81-88. Was told 60- 100 is normal range. I afraid I'm going to die.. please help!

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, just wanted to respond to say.. Everything is normal and fine. Just another peri symptom.. Thinking everything is going to kill you. Deep breath Hun. We all here for you xx
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      To right thinking all different things are going to kill you. I just can't believe all this happens from our hormones. X
    • Posted

      Thank you for your response, it's so appreciated. I have gained so much comfort from this forum. I wish all of us peace. It is so hard to just calm down. And forget falling asleep if I'm not completely exhausted. Very difficult time of life .
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer

    I expect it is from the anxiety that this is happening.

    I never had palpitations until 5 months ago. It really frightened me,I didn't know what was wrong. Within time I realised it was peri. It had to be because I had an ECG and it was OK. My pulse rate at times is 100 because I'm in a nervy state. Other times 82. I have tried so hard to remind myself I'm not ill it's this horrible menopause. I know it's hard and so frightening when it happens. I'm hoping things will start to ease soon x

  • Posted

    Yes I agree another awful peri symptom. I'm the same but anything between 60-100 is perfectly normal. Sometimes it feels like your heart is pumping harder than it actually is. I became obsessed with taking my pulse but now if it feels fast I tell myself that I know it isn't. Mine has never gone past 81 even when I felt it was more 299. Anxiety has been one of my worst symptoms in peri.

    Deep breath put on some meditation music. The ladies on here are amazing. They will help you put things into perspective. Because as we all know with peri health anxiety becomes a major thing.

    Hang in there its a crazy roller coaster ride. I've been on it for nine years so far. Currently six months with no period.

    Hope you feel better soon x

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      Thank u for your wonderful words, thats great no period for 6 months! I pray it stays far away... thanks again
  • Posted

    The palps are common in peri. They can come from anxiety as well as the erratic rise and drop in hormones. I get them a lot during ovulation, right before and after my cycles. Its scary when it's happening but you will be ok. I try and keep calm and they will subside. The more anxious I get the longer they last. Run it by your doctor just to be on the safe side but I'm sure all is ok.
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer,  I am afraid is part of it all.  I can be sitting here perfectly calm, pulse maybe about 60, and all of a sudden it will jump up to 100 for no reason. I swear I am about to pass out, and I tell myself to relax, take deep breaths release it slowly, until it passes. It's a darn scary thing when you don't know what is going on!! This thing will NOT be the end of you!!  We understand, we have been there, and are here for you Dear! Good Luck!!
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer,  I am afraid is part of it all.  I can be sitting here perfectly calm, pulse maybe about 60, and all of a sudden it will jump up to 100 for no reason. I swear I am about to pass out, and I tell myself to relax, take deep breaths release it slowly, until it passes. It's a darn scary thing when you don't know what is going on!! This thing will NOT be the end of you!!  We understand, we have been there, and are here for you Dear! Good Luck!!
    • Posted

      Thank you, It's like our bodies are not are own.. their just doing there own thing. It is very very scary and increases the anxiety we already have. Thank God for this forum.
    • Posted

      You are very welcome, I wish is were better news!  I thought I was the only one going through this until I found this forum!!!  LIttle did I know how many of us there are!!!  I was shocked!  I am so thankful I found this page, it has been so helpful to me!!  And the ladies here are all so nice, and understanding, because they have all been through it, or are going through it!!  God Bless them all!!  Bless US all!!!  We sure need it!!  eek
  • Posted

    magnesium works a treat for palps works for me
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      Karen, I take a magnesium pill form daily, but I see me have talked about what looks to be a different kind of magnesium?  What does this do?  And how many mg's, or iu's?  My hubby and I take it for leg cramps, and it works great for that.  But, if it helps with some of the meno stuff, I sure would be interested!!  Any info you could share would be appreciated!
    • Posted

      Hi deidra, i take sage for hot flushes ,starflower oil and magnesium plus cod liver oil  maybe the vit d in cod liver oil and magnesium work together , it works for me maybe try all these and see. good luck x

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