perimenopause going on 6 years!
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I was prescribed a birth control at 38 & I am almost positive that triggered premenopause. I don't really have any of the textbook physical symptoms but the emotional ones are over the top! Anxiety, depression and basically anything! I have never been depressed nor anxiety until this whole mess started. I did the usual route with doctors. My general practice Dr of course started with antidepressants which turned me into a zombie. Next I was referred to a therapist. She told me my issues were hormonal that I needed to find a dr that could help. No one wanted to help me because I still have a regular period. I found a dr that prescribed progesterone. That helped but seems my body got used to it & was very effective. I have been married 22 years, two great kids 15 & 20. I have a very stable life so there was no reason for the anxiety & depression to just kick in! I am now using a estrogen/ testesterone cream. It was awesome in the beginning but again my body is adjusting to it. So it's just not helping my symptoms. It's been almost 6 years & I feel like I'm just letting my life slip away. I have to fight everyday just to do the normal everyday things. I guess I'm looking for something that worked for other women. I don't want to be on antidepressants! Both my mom & grandmother had full hysterectomy in their 20's. So that leaves me with absolutely no clue what to expect!
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Indifferent dionne33211
I can't put a link here but will spell it out for you bachflower-dot-org
Go through the list of flowers on the left and find what you need. AMAZING for emotional healing/depression/anxiety
I use them a lot.
Rescue Remedy is a great one to start with, you will see the affects in minutes.
But do look into the others.
gailannie dionne33211
I tried a birth control pill at age 42. It was the worst mistake I ever made. Then I tried bioidentical and it didn't work at all. But of course, when I felt horrible, they put me on an antidepressant too. I finally went off of everything at 44. It took awhile, but my body did make it back, and I did fine. I had my final period at age 52 1/2.
You are still having periods, and obviously what you've been given isn't working well for you. So have you considered going off everything? You're not going to feel well right away. But you're body will take over control again.....eventually.
Just a thought.
Indifferent gailannie
dionne33211 gailannie
I guess I have never considered that. I feel so horrible when I don't treat it at all. How long did it take for your body to adjust?
dionne33211 Indifferent
Oops sorry I replied to the wrong thread! New to this
I did take birth control for years. But this particular one really did a number on me. I will never take another. Second to antidepressants the dr always want to put you on them!
dionne33211 gailannie
I guess I have never considered that. I feel so horrible when I don't treat it at all. How long did it take for your body to adjust?
gailannie dionne33211
Dionne, from what I remember, It took several months. But I got stronger and felt better a little bit every day. You're ovaries are still producing hormones, you're still having periods. So unless there is some reason not to, it's worth a try. Do everything you can to support your body. Good whole food, a multivaitamin, lots of water, a little exercise, get in bed by 10pm, do anything to relieve stress. Honestly, your body will take over again. But it won't happen overnight.
But at this point, what do you have to lose?
gailannie Indifferent
I wound up in the ER in my 20s because of birth control pills. Severe stomach pain, which is listed on the package insert as a side effect. So why I tried one in my 40s is beyond me. I guess I was desperate. But boy it didn't work AT ALL.
dionne33211 gailannie
Ok I'm taking your advice! First day I've stopped using my hormonal creams😬
So far so good.....
gailannie dionne33211
Well, at least you'll know one way or another. Just please remember it takes time for your body to settle down and get in the swing again.
PLEASE provide updates and let me know how you're doing. I am very interested.
dionne33211 gailannie
deirdre01438 dionne33211
Hi Dionne, just wondering how you are doing. I'm going through something similar. Would love to know how you are doing?