Perimenopause - health anxiety overdrive!
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I've posted here before and found the ladies on here really helpful so Im always popping vack for a read.
I dont know how to keep going with this perimenopause. I cant take hrt and dont want antidepressants but seriously - what to do?
I google my symptoms DOZENS of times a day. Ive got heart failure, cancer and all manner of horrible things according to google.
I seem to get a symptom that gets worse then vanishes only to return or be replaced by something new!
Ive had shortness of breath on and off for 5 years now. Been checked out and all looked fine but then more stuff 'pops up'.
Ive had enough and somedays I wonder if Im going to just die of some undiagnosed disease.
Its scary as my children are 11 and 13 and they need me!!
Oh ladies tell me you understand! Because my sister thinks Im odd as she doesnt know anybody that is or has gone thtough this, including herself. I'm 46, she is 56.
Thank you x
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millyabh sarahonadowner
I'm with you on this one! its one thing after another! I'm only 46 but feel 100
Str8tfans millyabh
Same here.
46 and wonder everyday what major disease I have.
It's awful
I was the most laid back chill unstressed person I know before this started :-(
sarahonadowner Str8tfans
Cillablack sarahonadowner
dawn70425 sarahonadowner
Hi there
I'm to the same as you, so you are def not odd... unless your going through this no one understand how it plays with your mind and body,
I can't have HRT either due to blood clots on my lungs, and my breathing is really bad, I'm due back to see consultant in November, so really Iv just been turned away from the docs as nothing eles they can give me..
Wonderful 😡
Try your best not to google it all the time, I know it's sooooo hard not to, as you think that you've got every disease going, Iv been there and done that at the begging , I'm 53 and been going through menopause for around 4 years, so your not a lone here, it's horrid to feel the way you do, how mind plays these alful games with us, and it's so scarry to feel this way.... try and talk to your doc if you can, but don't feel a lone as this is just the norm, I know at the moment there's no light at the end for you, BUT you will get through it one way or another, just keep talking to people on here..
You take care of yourself and you can email me privately if you EVER need to chat to some one as I can listen and understand what your going through lots of hugs 🤗 X
debbie12340 dawn70425
dawn70425 debbie12340
Hi Debbie
Hair problems in what respect??
My hole head seems to be more itchy since menopause started, and not a lot, but seems more thinner then of late, but is that my mind again thinking this 🤔
I use to go out every weekend with friends, and had such a fantastic life, living and laughing every day, so much fun, and felt good with the way I looked, but now I spend most days at home, and no longer go out with friends, as I'm sure when I look in the mirror or see a picture of me, that the person there, can't possable be me, as since menopause and clots I feel that I'm a mess and no longer the same person,,,,
I do hope, like many of us on here, that normal life will resume and get better, I think you have to,or you will go under
I do hope you are, or will be holding your head above the water, till this alfull menopause passes....
Remind me not to come back as a woman in my next life 😂
I'm here so you can bend my ear as much as you like if it will help you, it's so lovely to here from all these wonderful ladies on here, that we are all fighters and will win... big hug to you 🤗X
sarahonadowner dawn70425
Thank're so kind. Wish we were all in a room together discussing this crazy hell! X
debbie12340 dawn70425
Hi Dawn,
Thank you so much for your kind reply. Yes mine seems thinner and have Greys that grow out like wire and then thankfully turn straight. I’m the same I look in the mirror and think “who the hell is that” then I feel even more down about myself. I too used to enjoy going out bi tone dread it and prefer to stay in. Yes feel free to bend my ear any time of want 😘 I’m here if you want to message me. Preying that one day I might be ‘me’ again xxx Hugs 🤗
dawn70425 sarahonadowner
Yeah me to, be nice to all get together, and try to help each other, even if only by talking to each, and making some good friends 😌X
Hi Dawn
Think I should have spelled checked that first 😂 sorry x
dawn70425 debbie12340
Rrrr bless you... thanks just nice to here we are not a lone in this menopause... yes I do get you with the hair thing lol 😧 In fact I was driving home after looking after my grandson, and glanced in the mirror 😱And yes I to have got the small strands of hair sticking out ( grey) my first throught was how would I try to tame it down, as nothing seems to work, if I put any thing on my hair to help, it looks like Iv stuck my head in a chip pan 😆 So give up with that idea lol....
I don't know about you, but Iv always worn makeup, since as long as I can remeber, I wouldnt open the door to postman, if I did not have some on, not a lot, but enough to conceal my skin,,
Now I put it on and b4 Iv got of the settee it's just slides of my face and I'm glowing again, so now I can't be botherd to put any on these days as waste of time,
Where as this person gone to, we are all so young, and should be living the life, yet this menopause seems to want to destroy our body's and minds...
One day I hope we can all look back at this, and be the person I knew years ago 😌 X
debbie12340 dawn70425
Hi Dawn,
I’m exactly the same as you always worn make up. But some days don’t bother 🙈👵🏼 It’s no fun is it ? Never realised it would be this bad to be honest. I literally thought I’d gone mad a few years ago, I just couldn’t think straight . . . There has to be light at the bed of this very dark tunnel 🙏🏼 xxx
dawn70425 debbie12340
karen06072 debbie12340
I’m pretty sure my hair has really gone down the pan. 😥
It was never great to start with, and now it’s very fine, it doesn’t seem to grow (especially round the front and sides) and I’m paranoid I’m receding. This in turn causes anxiety and overthinking. 😬
I’m hoping going on the Loestrin 20 birth pill will somehow provide some much-needed eostrogen and perhaps it will recover.
debbie12340 karen06072
Hi karen,
Yes my anxiety has gone into overdrive about it ! Now dread washing it and seeing it go down the drain 🙈 I can’t take the pill, but yes it might help you. I keep hoping it will get better once I’m out the other side ? x
dawn70425 debbie12340
Happy Halloween weekend to all you lovely ladies out there, hope your all still fighting through the crap of the menopause, keep up the good work, and writing on this forum, to share what they are going through, in the help that we all know that we are not a loan
Hugs and kisses 🕸🕷🤗 xx
2chr2015 dawn70425
dawn70425 2chr2015
Hi there
Well hope your travels are good any way, I know what you mean, I for some reason don't want to be away from home since the menopause or I seem to get agitated when I'm away, so don't really go away now like I use to 😡... some one as to answer for this dam menopause thing lol
Enjoy try not to think about it so much, or take you mind eles where if you can, as I feel your mind can work over time for you
Big hugs 🤗X