perimenopause help
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Hi thought I would come to a forum as I seem to be driving myself and my husband completely mental. My bloods have shown that I am going towards menopause and I am 47 1/2. My periods are not regular any more and are very light that only last a day or so. Another woman at work is the same. I have terrible anxiety about my health and every time I feel something is wrong I go into melt down and feel like I am dying. I am completely paranoid that I am not well and am in tears all the time at home and go through things with husband over and over so that he can reassure me. I was ok until Xmas now all of a sudden after being very sedimentry I ache all over have pains in shoulders pins and needles in arms and legs feel slightly warm and get tight feeling in chest. Have had this most of the week so presume nothing serious as have been back to work and all ok then started feeling of again once back home and sitting down! Does anyone else feel like they are going mad. My nuts says don't put everything down to hormones but all recent kidney liver blood pressure checks all come back ok? ?
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Shouldn't say nuts should say nurse!
natallia04776 joanne29680
Yes. You are not alone 😢. My husband hates me for hanging on this forum but at least I know that all my crazy thoughts, dreams, ants running on my head, shaking inside and many more are normal.
natallia04776 joanne29680
Yes. You are not alone 😢. My husband hates me for hanging on this forum but at least I know that all my crazy thoughts, dreams, ants running on my head, shaking inside and many more are normal.
becky53379 joanne29680
Hi Joanne, you are completely hormonal normal. I went through the feelings of going crazy. It will pass. I spent a time crying everyday all I am feeling better and crying maybe once a day if that.I found that doing a light walk daily helps so much. Even if you dont feel like helps! I do believe that everything that we are going through right now is do to hormones....because I certainly didnt feel this way before. I will be 48 this month so we are close to the same age
Keep reading on this website, there are so many wonderful ladies to give you positive encouragement. We will get through this together! Praying for all of us
Take care!
joanne29680 becky53379
Hi becky I do try and keep fit and I am signed up for a pretty muddy race for life and an iron run for a fitness challenge. It is just the rest of the time. I have walked down the stairs of the gym after a pt session with my trainer and a wave of anxiety just came over me and stayed there all day. I am taking lavender kalms as I don't like hard medicine as it were amd prefer a herbal route. Will see what happens x bless you
becky53379 joanne29680
Hi Joanne, maybe you are over doing it. How long have you been going through this? I used to do zumba daily but since this started I havent been able to do zumba or my anxiety would kick in. I do a light walk everyday and notice a difference in how I feel if I miss a day. I have been going through the real tough stuff for almost a year now. I am starting to try zumba again
I know how you feel about the meds side of things. I only take raw vitamin d3....thats only because when I started peri my level was so low. It takes a bit of trial and error during this time but we can do it
Have a great day!
joanne29680 becky53379
Hi no exercise kind of regularly of I can. Over xmas haven't done anything and have eaten lots.often feel like the exercise really helps but as haven't don't anything for nearly two weeks. My anxiety always kicks in when I seem to feel something in my body. I am quite body aware and I always think when I feel something what's that what is wrong and that's when anxiety kicks in!
2chr2015 becky53379
That's funny that y'all mentioned having anxiety after exercise. That happened to me a few months ago. It had never happened before but I did work out a little harder that day. I almost had to pull over on the way home the anxiety was so bad
2chr2015 joanne29680
Sounds like me Joanne. Every little pain or ache and my mind goes to worst case scenario and I start freaking out. It's terrible. It's been bad over the holidays. I am thinking of talking to my doc about increasing my antidepressant dosage bc I don't know how much more of this depression and anxiety and hopelessness feeling I can take. Even though I don't like taking the AD, I feel like the anxiety is worse for my health than they are.
joanne29680 2chr2015
Doesn't normally happen sometimes just comes on. Mine happens more at night. It sometimes also happens at work when my micro manager boss is on the warpath!
maddysmom2015 joanne29680
Hi Joanne,
I too have almost crippling health anxiety that started with perimenopause. You are not alone!
I didn't know what was happening to me. I had always felt healthy and competant. But the changes that came with peri gave me some physical symptoms that sent me to Dr. Google. He repeatedly diagnoses me with cancer of the whatever body part I am concerned with. Which of course increases and perpetuates my health anxiety. Full panic attack. The same pins and needles feeling and the same chest tightness you have. I also have difficulty breathing and my racing thoughts will not let me rest.
I do find that I am better mentally during the week when I am at work. I feel compentant there and do not question the little twinges that come when I am really busy and engaged. Then I get home for the weekend and by Saturday night I am in a full panic about dying. Sound like something similar happened to you this week.
I find a good walk outside or other exercise does help rachet things back more towards normal.
Try to take solace in the fact that you are taking good care of yourself and all the measurable indexes show you are healthy. We are here for you!
joanne29680 maddysmom2015
Many thanks for your reply in tears as glad to know someone else is going through it however horrible. I will go to the doctors jusy to get checked out as I an asthmatic and need to make sure that I don't have a chest infection or something like that. This place is going to be a god send x love to you
maria____a64048 joanne29680
Unfortunately no matter how caring and compassionate husbands can be, they will never understand the emotional, psycho logical, and physical changes women go through. Hang in there it does get better.
pam34236 maria____a64048
sophie76397 joanne29680
Hi Joanne you are so not alone - I have exactly the same symptoms as you at the moment - health anxiety through the roof, driving my husband nuts who is a massive support, crying whilst washing up last night, pains in side, heavy chest and breathlessness (new one for me), pins and needles that do go away and general peri hell - the worst is that the doctors fail to recognise there are other symptoms (loads) other than hot flushes and insomnia related to menopause. They think I'm crazy and wasting their time - this blog is the best find and keeps me sane - all the great girls here really offer lots of support and share their experiences which often mirror your own such as you and me. So, don't worry - it does all ease - generally symptoms go a little crazy when yr about to get a period. I hope you are feeling better now reading everyone's comments and look after yourself and take out any vices you may have in yr diet which I am trying to do!! Good luck x
natallia04776 sophie76397
So much like me. Crying when doing washing up is my favourite 😂
Exactly how I feel.
metamorphed sophie76397
you are so right sophie, the worst IS that doctors fail to recognise all the other symptoms, and keep sending women for other tests, which turns out they don't need, just because they do not know! Sends us all crazy with health anxiety. It gets better, just takes some time. I still have some symptoms before and after a period but I know now how to handle it. Sometimes though, when I get a new feeling or symptom I do still worry whether I should be passing it off as a peri symptom or not.!? It is a mental battle but I am so much better than last year.
sophie76397 metamorphed
Totally agree with reactions to a new symptom - off we trot to the doctors AGAIN - they look at you as if to say 'here she comes again', they then look confused, pack you off for yet another test saying 'your far too young to be menopausal at 48'!!!!!, health anxiety through the roof, anxious wait for results which exacerbates everything and leave non the wiser - I wish there was a magic wand....
metamorphed sophie76397
if only there was magic wand... I am 48 too and they are just not happy to accept that it is my hormones. There has to be some previous records of women going to all these doctors at our age and younger over the years but to be honest, I don't think they really care about what they consider to be a 'natural' process. If only they could experience how horrible it can be. The 'change' is too mild a term for it...