Perimenopause or hypothyroidism???????

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Back in 2011 my thyroid tested low and when I went back in for my doctor to draw blood to check it again it was normal. Then in late 2014 i started feeling like crap with peri symptoms (irregular periods, anxiety, insomnia, major mood swings, acid reflux, etc) she tested me again and my thyroid was low and she put me on low dose levothyroxine. Now a little over two months later the thyroid is back in the normal range. Is it normal/common for your thyroid to fluctuate when starting peri?  I am still having peri symptoms but my doctor appears to not believe me (I feel) as she just rushes through appts. Does anyone expierence this with the peri symptoms/hypo? I am starting to think I am going crazy and ANY help would help.cry

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4 Replies

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    You're not crazy and you can both issues at same time. My current doctor explained how this all works. Usually Peri/Menopause times bring on unstable thyroid issues, if you are prone to them. I was. Mine flucuates all over the map. Currently hypo and on meds. Used to be on the Hyper end........who knows how this will all sort out. 

    Again, you are not crazy, just experiencing some uncomfortable changes that hopefully another doctor can help you sort out, as it is a real issue.

    Annie xx

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      "you can have both..."  sorry for typo
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    Hello Kim. Good news: you're not crazy!

    Yes it's quite common to have thyroid dysfuntion at perimenopause stage. 

    The adrenals have to be working optimally so that all the rest doesn't get unbalanced. So if you have sleep problems, PMS or other reated symptoms and overall assessment should be made. 

    Proper nutritional support is necessary, maybe some herbals and I reckon some natural progesterone for 12 days before menses.  Very, very much needed: selenium.

    Ther's anoher thing to consider: simetimes they give you T4 and you're in fact needing T3... other times you have a resistance to chemical T4 or T3 and would benefit from desiccated thyroid extract instead.

    I hope you find the support you need in here... we're no doctors but we've got "field knowledge". 

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      I've pressed enter before revising: apologies for the mistypings redface  but I guess you'll understand what I mean.
  • Posted

    Yes your thyroid will flucuate even after peri menopause thats why you need to get it checked every three months to see where it is. mine flucuates up and down too and i am on levothyroxine too. 

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