Perimenopause or not?
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hello! i am malina and my pain story began in March 2019. I am almost 40 and last year in november I did a medical abortion because i thought i am too old to have a kid and too scared. I was supposed to take some oral contraception after the abortion, but my mind and body were very uncomfortable with them and i stop them after no more than 10 days. then, a few months later I started to have shoulder pain and feeling very very tired, emotional and a mess. i was going to the toilet to wee 20 times a day and 5 a night and during day time having the feeling i ll pee on myself. i did some blood tests, an ultrasound of my shoulder and they said I have bursitis. it was not confirmed by the pyshio and the blood tests came ok, except iron and low vitamin d. i took them for 2 months and i felt better. in july the pain was all over my body, hand, elbow, palms, fingers, shoulder and neck. it s like a terrible muscular pain, ad i have made a great physical effort. but it s every day for months. i was cheched for lyme, reumatoid arthritis, cushing, hashimoto, lupus and all the other auto imune diseases. my breast from August are big, painful and the left one looks way biger. the elbow has sinovial liquid and i have the carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. one doctor suggested a few weeks ago that my pregnancy termination and the fact i did not take the contraceptive pills for at least 2, 3 months made a mess in my hormonal balance. the pain in my joints, muscles is like burning me every day, my pals also burn like crazy. i cannot sleep more that 3 hours a night. the gynecologyst told me that i have fibro mastitis and told me to take femicur for 3 to 6 months and i ll get rid of the breast pain. i started to take evening primerose oil and to massage my breast with cold pressed castor oil. i started to take an oral contraceptive to supply my body with estrogen and progesterone, even if I am aware of the risks. i ll keep on eye on my breasts to make sure i am not going to develop other crazy things. i think i declared war to my body making the medical abortion and started an early perimenoupause. any advices? i have all the 66 symptoms and more. my hair and skin are dry, i am crying a lot. my sister prescribed for the pain lyrica and its helping me a lot. i feel like i am having sometimes electricity in my muscles. anyone with any advices or going through smth similar?
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Guest malina55946
Regardless of the abortion or the pills you took i would say you have started down the horrible road of perimenopause ...but the abortion and fluctuations in the hormones are probably making your symptoms more intense. I started my hardcore perimenopause symptoms at the age of 35 and now im almost 42 and only get a few periods a well on my way to actual menopause. I have had very mild depression & anxiety my whole life but never needed medication, but now since entering this horrible phase of my life the hormones have made my depression & anxiety unbearable!! Its so awful. That being said im not a dr but you may check out fibromyalgia. The hormones can easily cause medical conditions such as that but most drs will not tell you that. They act as though hormones dont have that kind of power but i can say that is absolute BS!! I used to be a healthy, happy, energetic im so sick i cant eat, i have zero energy to leave my house, my sleep is a mess....and i did have my hormones tested so they show menopause. Im not the person i used to be and this all changed when i went into perimenopause hell!
Rainbow976 malina55946
Hi Malina,
I agree with Brandy, regardless of the abortion you just might be one of us that experiences a lot of symptoms and earlier than usual. Be careful with the contraceptives, I was under the impression that breast pain is linked to high estrogen so you do not want to add more estrogen to the mix, read up on estrogen dominance and see if the symptoms fit you.
What is your menstrual cycle like? This could give you a clue to what is imbalanced at this time. The problem is it can change drastically like a roller coaster and this makes it hard to treat with supplements.
I started having issues in my mid 30s and just turned 43 yesterday. Early symptoms were hives, low libido and shoulder pain but it has progressed and evolved thru the years. At this point I have had 1/2 of the 66 peri symptoms. Cycle is extremely light with hardly any bleeding but comes every 21 days so I don't know if that is high or low estrogen or progesterone.
Hang in there, it could be a long journey.
malina55946 Rainbow976
hello! thank you for the message. my gp sent me to do some hormonal tests and they came out as having low estrogen. the tests were done during my period. the estrogen was just 12 units below the inferior limit for that period, but he told me to start taking them. i have checked my breasts, i have done 5 ultrasounds of my both breasts and my armpits and tyroid. done some tumoral markers also for breast and ovaries. all my blood trsts and the immunity ones came back all good. they told me i am just unhappy, which I am not. i am unhappy only because i am in so much pain. any idea how to check if i have low or high estrogen or other hormones? thank you all for advices!
Rainbow976 malina55946
I wish I did have advice on checking hormone levels, I can't get it figured out myself. I have been to 5 different doctors in the last 3 years hoping somebody could help. Doctors never comment on my estrogen levels, gyno doesn't believe in checking progesterone levels as it "doesn't affect anything ". I have always had low testosterone but my last lab in November showed it over double the level it usually is so who knows.
Our bodies always fluctuate throughout our cycles, maybe we are just overly sensitive to the fluctuations now. Or maybe it's other hormones like cortisol...I have no clue and neither do the doctors I have visited 😃
Hopefully the contraceptive helps you!
lisa17089 malina55946
it really sounds like peri I too have terrible pain throughout my body, its hell. I also wee loads and I'm up and down all night going to the toilet. so I know exactly how you feel. what did your doctor say about your breast been bigger?? I would definitely get that checked out it is probably down to hormones but better to be safe xx
malina55946 lisa17089
hi! all done. i have made 5 different ultrasounds of my both breasts and a mammogram. the mammogram was in vain, my breasts are full and came out all white, nothing to see in it. i have cysts in my both breasts as never, all normal, but the pain is daily and i feel like I am on fire. lately i have headaches and i am pale and dark shades under my eyes. because of lyrica i am sleeping better, but not great. thank you for your support! Malina
hi! another symptoms. sinovial liquid in my left elbow and a swelling in my fist, at the base of fingers that comes and goes and gives me a terrible pain.. made mri of my elbow and x ray of my fist and apart from the sinovial liquid, nothing. anyone experiencing this as peri symptomsi? my elbow, arm, fingers and left breast are painful like hell today. help!
Beverlys1 malina55946
HI Malina,, I have Hashimotos and my symptoms are so bad with peri and all,,, So forgive me for asking but did they test you for fibromyalgia because that sounds alot like the symptoms... As they are similar diseases with similar symptoms,, when I was first diagnosed I was so sick and it took them 3 years to figure it out,,in the mean time I got worse and worse and never really completely came out of it...Then straight into peri...The symptoms of both together are unbearable... HUGS TO YOUxxoo
malina55946 Beverlys1
my doctor here, in London is an incompetent, no chance for me to be diagnosed. i only have pain from my waist up, and i did the test for fibro. what other tests to diagnose fibro are? I hope my peri started because of the pills i took for the medical abortion and because of the fact i did not continued the contraceptive pills afterwards to balance my hormones. any advice is welcomed. anyway, my left breast looks a bit better since i am taking femicur and evening primerose. i only started to have short episodes of pain, not as before, are daily, but comes and goes.
Beverlys1 malina55946
HI Malina,,, would not trust just one doctor with those symptoms !you need someone to listen if this keeps going on like this, Any kind of up set in the body cAN bring on autoimmune disease and can take years to diagnose,, the doctors told me I was crazy until I read book after book and figured my diagnoses out myself HASHIMOTOS THYROID,, by then it almost killed me and damaged my digestion for life...If you r in that much pain there is something...Epstein barr virus is what started mine (mono)... Let me know if I can help I have alot of knowledge!!! Hugs to you!!! preying for healing❤❤❤