Perimenopause - please describe your more unusual symproms
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Hi there.... Now into year 6 of this perimenopause hell. Find myself constantly googling symptoms and have just about exhausted my doctors I think.
So what I want to know is this... does anybody feel worse in the morning? Does anybody get:
Chest twinges/pain? ( I've had my heart checked out).
Periods of shortness of breath (had lungs checked).
Feelings that you have an incurable undiscovered disease?
Crying over things that didn't ever bother you before?
Constant breast pain (yep had those checked)
Pelvic pain almost constantly ( had CT scan- all normal)
Periods either every 2 weeks or nearing 5 weeks
Would love to hear about your symptoms. Sometimes think Im the only one going through this crazy time.
Much love.
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angieB48 sarahonadowner
The multitude of symptoms that appear to come with perimenopause are ridiculous. Looking back I've had symptoms for 5 years. I have the common ones of tiredness, mood swings etc. I also have intermittent hair loss, itchy skin, and I often wake up aching. My eyes permanently feel tired!! I had the mirena coil fitted in Feb to reduce heavy bleeding and that gives me a low dose of progesterone. I also now take estrogen in gel form daily. Many of my symptoms have improved but not the aching and itchy skin! Sorry I don't have exactly the same as you but the ladies on here are all just as fed up with it!
sarahonadowner angieB48
Azzumi sarahonadowner
My symptoms were typical through Peri menopause. Exhaustion, hot flashes that eventually came about an hour apart, cold chills, migraines, morning nausea, no appetite then crazy good cravings, weight loss not gain, complete lack of motivation to do anything and my worst by far the mood swings. Depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, obsessive negative thinking and lots and lots of crying. Probably had about 12 months of this till I started bio identical hormones and after 6 months most if my symptoms have gone. Wasn't an instant fix but i'v finally got my life back.
angieB48 Azzumi
Interested in the biobdentical hormones. I found a consultant that prescribed synthetics and I'm just taking estrogen now. I've found the good dosage for myself but am interested in moving to natural hormones but my existing consultant doesn't prescribe them. How did you get them?
Azzumi angieB48
angieB48 Azzumi
Contacted my previous consultant who prescribed my HRT and he told me I was already on bioidentical hormones! My current consultant is aware of what I'm taking but is clearly Confused coz we chatted about the differences between synthetic and natural hormones at my last visit and he never said I was already on them! I take Estrogel and if I want it I also have Testim gel for a testosterone boost.
Azzumi angieB48
Its a little concerning if they're not sure about you being on BHRT or not. A lot of women talk about gels and creams but my bios are made for me in a troche by a compound pharmacist and i take it under my tongue each morning. My doctor writes my script according to blood work and symptoms and has been checking me every 6 to 12 weeks until its perfect. I think I'm 80 - 90% better so maybe one more adjustment. I know I'm lucky as my doctor is amazing but if you can't get the answers you need then keep pushing untill you do. I hope your new doctor is guiding you through this and checking bloods and symptoms so you know where you're at.
angieB48 Azzumi
No nothing like your experience at all. I originally paid to see Professor John Studd in London. His consultation, tests and prescription was about £1000 and even he prescribed a set dosage you then take for life. I felt his dosage was too high and was concerned so went through Bupa to see a local consultant who took me off the HRT but my levels plummeted and I got loads of adverse reactions so went back on a lower dosage. He is leaving the dosage now up to me with no regular testing. I feel stuck in the middle of different advice although I know I'm on the right track. I need someone like yours! Do you mind me asking the cost? And whilst they may be too far away if they have a website I can compare to any I find locally?
Azzumi angieB48
Im actually in Australia and costs me about $130.00 each visit and my troche is $76.00 and lasts about 6 weeks so its good value. Not sure if we're supposed to put names on here but its Peter Tunbridge in Adelaide Australia. My boyfriend actually recommended him to me. Weird I know but my boyfriend isn't your average He's going to see him soon for man problems. It isn't a quick fix and I know it can take 6 weeks sometimes for your body to adjust properly to what you're taking. I have non idea how they can leave it up to you. Isn't that what you are paying them for.
angieB48 Azzumi
Not sure the UK is the same haha. Having gone through my own GP, the NHS consultant, a private professor and a private consultant it feels like they are all guessing or using a one size fits all approach. At least I know the problems now are hormonal which is progress from the times my GP said it was all in my head!!! I'll have a look at ur guys info and see if I can find someone similar here. Perhaps other reading the comments may recommend someone for me. Sounds like u have a keeper in that boyfriend!!!!
Azzumi angieB48
Just keep researching and looking because at least you know what the problem is now. There is such a lack of understanding of menopause its astounding. I was actually becoming unhinged mentally before I started bios. I remember waking one morning and being completely petrified at how I felt. I'm sure there's plenty if other women who experienced something similar. My boyfriend and I have only been together 20 months and met online. Yes online dating at my age. Lol..I moved 1700km to be with him 12 months ago thats when peri hit me and he is totally mad too so yes I will keep him..
angieB48 Azzumi
My hubby and I have only been together for 11 years and looking back he's had me peri for 6 of those bless him! Just as well he's a bit bonkers too. Well thanks for the advice. Will start looking around now! No way I'm going backwards!
Azzumi angieB48
Its better when they're bonkers.. Good luck and luv to know how you go..😃
mary27278 Azzumi
Hello Azzumi
I had my first visit with on yesterday with my BHRT dr. and he said the only thing according to my blood work are progesterone and tetesterone. He prescribed a synthetic and natural. He said the natural is for the hormonal symptons and balancing, synthetic is for birth control. I asked was it safe taking the synthetic he cautioned that it is.
I also need vitamin D3 and magnesium.
Overall, he said my blood work looks pretty good except for the hormone issues. He said "I'm hopping around with menopause, im somewhere in there but definitely in peri".
But I was wondering why he did not use the trouche? I know mine will come in a pill form and the testosterone will be cream. But he kept reassuring me that I do not need estrogen at all. My progesterone is practically none a long with the tetesterone.
I hope he knows what he's talking about, because it is expensive to go to someone else.
Azzumi mary27278
Hi Mary, at least you've taken the first step. Guess only time will tell if he's good with hormones. My troche is made by a compound pharmacist so my doctor can give me a very exact amount of each hormone rather than a standard dose from a pill or even creams you aren't sure of exactly how much you are getting. Thats my understanding of why he uses them. I was told I'm post meno after my first blood work but had some spotting with my last troche which was estrogen, progesterone & testosterone. Doctor told me that the tiny bit of estrogen 0.2 mg was enough to switch my ovaries back on (I'm incredibly estrogen sensitive) so I'm on progesterone only for a while till it stops then back on the combination. I haven't used birth control for a very long time as once you reach mid forties in Australia most doctors will only give u a merina which was completely out if the question for me. I thought if they specialize in BHRT then they wouldn't do synthetics but hopefully it works and he's the expert so I guess you need to trust what he's doing. Its taken me 6 months on BHRT with three adjustments to feel normal so be patient and if he's doing follow ups and monitoring your progress then thats a good thing. Its all so incredibly complicatef and even the experts out there still dont really know that much.
mary27278 Azzumi
The natural tetesterone and progesterone pill is also done by a compound pharmacist, unfortunately I have to wait to receive it in the mail.
Is the troche the same as the pellet?
Azzumi mary27278
That does make sense. I'm on bio identical progesterone only for a while due to some spotting (hadn't had any bleeding for 8 months) and like I said he told me my ovaries have switched back on so I assume once the progesterone kicks in I won't be able to fall pregnant. Mind you nothing us 100% with us women. The troche disolves under my tongue. Don't know how the pellets work but they sound similar. It all sounds very similar to me. My only advice is to to do everything he says and see how you go. We eventually have to put our trust in someone.