perimenopause symptoms
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Hi everyone! I'm new here and in the past few days I've posted a few discussions. I can't thank you all enough for bearing with me and answering. I've been so scared and emotional on this roller coaster of hormones lately that it's nice finding comfort in hearing other stories. So I've been having perimenopause symptoms which include being very tired all the time, even if I've slept well or have had hours of sleep. And I have days where I'm dizzy. If I don't have the dizzy feeling then I have a foggy head. I also have a dull ache in my chest-its usually right between both breasts but the achiness(tightness) can radiate down under my left breast and I'll even start to feel a dull ache in my upper back by my left shoulder blade. This is the scary symptom that has me freaking out. I also get shaky during the day, especially if I try to do too much too fast, which leads me to be wobbly and weak. My symptoms don't ever seem to go away either. They may diminish in intensity during the day but they seem to always be there. Has this happened to anyone else? Where these symptoms can become severe in strength and then diminish at times but never really go away? And does anyone else just feel so darn tired all day? Thank you in advance!
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Guest mckul6
I always say I either have bad days or worse days. Never one normal day! For an entire year. I'm 52, sure hope it'll get better.
I've got all those symptoms and more. I'm so angry, I thought my 50s would be a great time in life.
juanita93228 mckul6
Not trying to scare you but maybe you should see a cardiologist about the chest tightness and pain, just to rule that out and set your mind to ease. Get bloodwork done and get an EKG done. Don't go to a regular doctor as he/she will probably just shrug your chest tightness off.
So far I haven't had the tiredness, but I have bouts where I just feel like a big slug. I don't feel like doing anything. I hope this helps
gailannie mckul6
mckul6, All of these things can be very scary. So here's the best explanation I can possible offer that might make some sense of why you feel all these really odd things.
Our systems are one big huge mess of hormones. Our insulin, our thyroid, our adrenal gland production, and yes, our sex steroids. They all work together in some ways. Our estrogen helps insulin get in and out of cells. The tie between thyroid and estrogen is well documented and makes it very hard for women who have thyroid issues to get the balance with estrogen right. Our adrenal glands kick into high gear when we lose our sex steroids attempting to compensate for what we are lacking. Basically, it's a mess. While we won't die without our sex steroids, it sometimes feels like we will, as everything is going whacko inside our bodies. Trying to adjust, trying to make some sense of it all.
So while I can't really offer a solution, obviously some women do feel much better on HRT. But this unending list of strange symptoms that we experience, is really our entire system trying to adjust. Lack of energy, pains in all parts of the body, not sleeping well, losing our sense of humor, our drive, and just not feeling well in general.
Menopause is definitely a shock to our systems. Somedays, you may feel a little better because your ovaries are doing more, other days less. Just remember that there is a certain amount of estrogen and progesterone that create periods, in early menopause, you can still produce estrogen just not enough to create periods. This production can last for years. This explains why some women feel ok when their periods stop, or why it takes years for women to develop things like vaginal atrophy.
So I hope this helps, just a little bit mentally. And gives you some explanation as to why you are getting these varied and off the wall kind of symptoms. Your body is doing everything possible to adjust.
vicky74860 mckul6
Yes I get the same symptoms as you no energy then feeling ok for a bit anxiety on and off dizziness sometimes, can't think straight