Perimenopause Ugh! Noise sensitivity!
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Has anyone experienced noise sensitivity since their hormone roller coaster ride started? I went to the movies and I couldn't even stay ugh! Then the panic sets in. Cant wait until this is over
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Sochima822 becky53379
Yes, Becky lots of noise or loud was bothersome. I, too, couldn't handle loud noises. It will be over soon, just not tomorrow.
becky53379 Sochima822
michelle46271 becky53379
Hi If I'm trying to lye down and rest the slightest noise makes me jump and my heart beats harder. I hope it stops soon. I feel full of adrenaline too.
becky53379 michelle46271
Hi Michelle, thank you for responding
Yes just the previews thrashed my whole day. Igh! Hope your doing well today 
Sochima822 becky53379
becky53379 Sochima822
I had to leave too! Then I get disappointed with myself because I cant even watch a movie with my family at the theatre anymore
Sochima822 becky53379
It took about a year for that feeling to go away so don't feel so disappointed it will go away.
becky53379 Sochima822
Thank you that gives me hope
Are you still in perimenopause?
Sochima822 becky53379
I don't know what I'm in, lol. I'm in between somewhere but passed all the wild hormone ride. I still get hot flashes but not as often and mostly mild because I make sure I don't have any soy in my food or sugar.
becky53379 Sochima822
Sochima822 becky53379
Yes and no, for the last 2 years I actually took Flax seed oil, Macca, and St. Johns' wort to help me get through it all. I also tried prescription medicines that helped a little but I had too many side effects so I went off of them pretty fast but this was before I went all natural. Taking vitamin D3 helped with my mood, at least I was able to go out after taking the pills. Don't ever assume anything, menopause takes a long time to finally get to for some women.
metamorphed Sochima822
i love this answer
'don't know what I'm in', bit like that myself hehe. Past the wild stuff but not quite there yet. and Becky, I was like you, the sounds of the movies made me jump out of my seat, felt scared and woozy, but that has passed now, took about 8 months, but able to enjoy certain things again, so hold on, you will too.
becky53379 metamorphed
Thank you so much for your response, you don't know what that means to me! Or you probably do since you have already experienced this part of it. I struggle so much at times and you just gave me hope. I cant wait to be able to enjoy things again
metamorphed becky53379
i know exactly Becky... when I was in that awful stage, I just wanted to meet anyone who was going through the exact same thing at the same time.. but no-one I knew was, and no-one really talks about it openly, do they.. at the time you think it will never end but it does, of course there are still symptoms, some mad, some not so mad, but the stage you are talking about and are in now, is by far the worst. you will tough it out though, you'll be amazed at how strong you are really. I cringe when I read posts like yours and remember those awful days. There are better days ahead. take care.
Sochima822 metamorphed
becky53379 metamorphed
metamorphed Sochima822
hi, sorry just saw your message now. I didn't take anything during the rocky patch because they made me feel worse to be honest. Just Vit D3 and omega 3. No extra vitamins and no meds even though everything under the sun was prescribed by my doctor. Still on D3 and omega 3 and now going to use progesterone cream to see if that helps the odd heat moments I get, not a lot of them, but when I get one it makes me dizzy and nauseous and hot and last about 3 hours.
michelle46271 metamorphed
Hi I take Vit D3 and omega as well. I've had the noise sensitivity. When you are quiet even a slight noise makes my heart beat fast. Also if there is a unexpected noise I jump out of my skin . I've had this 2 months now. I am on HRT but still get certain symptoms. Depression is a lot better. I had burning mouth for 3 months but has eased the last 2 days. I do have more energy the last week. I'm wondering if I am coming close to menopause. When I went on HRT just over 3 months ago I had every single symptom I should think but my period only lasted about 2 days and very light.