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Had a period 10 days ago, supposed to have one in another 10 days, just went in the bathroom and wiped......blood, a fair amount. Is that normal? I have been having perimenopause symptoms for several years and periods have been getting heavier and heavier with clots and closer together. This last one 10 days ago was 4 days late which is very unusual. And now this. I don't know if this is going to turn into a period or what. I know I have read on here that other women have had erratic cycles. I guess I am just looking for some reassurance.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    If you are peri it sounds like how it was with me...a mess. I do, however, suggest you patiently and calmly, make an appt with your gynie and go to it. I didn't do that for a long time and just worried a bit for too long - stupid. Eventually my periods stopped. Best to ask the expert instead of worrying, as it will probably happen again and again, till it stops.

    • Posted

      well I dont know what I would call it as it was erratic. Long periods, light periods, sometimes twice a month sometimes every few months... Like Kerry said aslo, go to the dr. and read up about it afterwards...
  • Posted

    Hi dear doe I had irratic periods from the age of 13 to 47 in I was having 6 days then I would have 14 days cycle right after sometimes then it would go 21 -35 heavy with clots I did go the doctors has I got worried bout the heaviness but did blood tests all normal there is a website ( Eileen vogile)she blogs on everything peri- menopause to menopause nothing sinister very good advice and tips xxx chin up sweetie 😘🙏🏻

  • Posted

    Hi DearDoe

    This has happened to me too. In June I had a period, two weeks late, and lighter than the usual flooding.  Then two weeks after that spotting for about 5 days, then 6 weeks later spotting again for a few days. Nothing now for over 3 weeks.  I' m hoping this is the beginning of the end of my periods.

    I did start getting night sweats and hot flushes but take sage, magnesium, D3, and passionflower and they have gone for now. Fingers crossed.

    Hope your periods have disappeared too! xx 

    • Posted

      Thanks. I am hoping this is moving toward the final stages too. Thanks for.the reassurance.
  • Posted

    Hi yes I was exactly the same. Regular as clockwork then every 3 weeks 2 weeks etc. At the end ( I hvnt had a period in over a year) they were lasting for up to 12 - 13 days then away for 5 and back again.🙄

    As suggested I wud make an appointment with ur gp. Xx

  • Posted


    a very similar thing is happening to me right now also.  Same as you, had a period, a bit later than how they were on previous months, at 34 days, then just by chance, a couple of days after it finished (7 days total, not too heavy), I noticed a slight spotting, not enough to need a pad, just when wiping.  This is now going on for 10 days, still very light, but having low cramps also.  I was thinking of seeing the doctor.  Are you having cramps too?

    • Posted

      I am having long periods with slight bleeding and cramping also. I need to go back to the gyno.
    • Posted

      kathryn, are you seeing the gyno soon.  I can't get an appointment soon, so if you go, could you let me know what they say?

    • Posted

      Had some cramping yesterday and the day before. Have sore breasts, dreams, and difficulty sleeping like with a regular period.
    • Posted

      are you going to see a doctor, I'm not sure if its normal or not?

    • Posted

      I dont think I am gonna see the dr. Right now. It seems pretty common and along with the other symptoms of my period, I think it's just hormones. It was just that one time. Aren't our periods suppose to be out of whack?

    • Posted

      Is there a reason why you do nt want to go to a Dr? I think you should as if there us some problem, like a cyst or polyp etc that could be the reason. It could also be a fibroma (which is good to know so the Dr can see if it shrank or grew next time you go in). Please reconsider.

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