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Past week had slight brown discharged most days period was due yesterday got cramps one min it's brown next it's red and keep wanting to wee. Worried very and advise would be appreciated

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    You're fine. The brown is older blood coming out first. I have to urinate more during my period too. I get the brown before and at the end of my periods. Don't worry. All is fine

    • Posted

      Hopefully my body seems to be changing this past year I could always put a time on it and know the signs now I don't. Fingers crossed. Thank you 

    • Posted

      You're welcome. If you don't mind my asking how old are you. Our bodies chemistry chances every 7 years.

    • Posted

      I'm 26 you know your body though don't you and when it's not as the norm you worry yourself as to what's wrong and still the same today you don't like your periods but when they don't come you worry

    • Posted

      To be honest if my period didn't come I'd be elated. As long as I knew I wasn't pregnant. I've been praying for menopause since 12 (a year after I started my period). But I know what you're saying. It will start.

    • Posted

      Done three tests all negative and now all the brown blood has stopped altogether and nothing. Two days late now. 😩😩😩

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