Period after 11 months
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I haven't had my period for 11 months and I promptly got one in months 12 which was March 2018. Prior to it my boobs hurt then for 5-6 days I bled. I went for a pap 10 days ago mentioned it and nothing. Then the NP called me to let me know she consulted with others in her clinic, none of whom are ob/gyns, and they said the standard medical diagnosis is that this is cancer and the only way to rule it out is to subject myself to a vaginal U/S and a endometrial biopsy. I'm refusing. Think they're over reacting. My white blood count was fine because they took some blood for my annual. Anyhow, I just don't want to do an invasive procedure like that when I feel completely fine. I spotted last month April 2018. If I were to get one it'd be in the next week and I feel totally fine, no achy boobs, cravings or cramping. Would you get a biopsy? What if I made a mistake and it's been 13 most since my last period? I don't think so but threw the calendar from last year out. Also, I think the reason I started my period is because I had an old flame from 30 years ago visit me and it started the day he showed up!!
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Pra_Adoni patticake62
they are actually right in suggesting an ultrasound and biopsy to rule out. They shd also do a CSA25 blood test. I had the same (bleeding after around a year) and the doc did all the above plus an additional pap smear. My gyn said that it is essential to do all three to rule out. Having a bleed after such a long time is for sure not a 100% sign of cancer, but very important to rule out because it is not usual / normal to have a bleeding after a long gap.
The biopsy is painful, but given that it is one of the sure methods to check or rule out cancer, it is better to get it done.
My results luckily came back negative for cancer, but if it was the other way around, then it wld have been in early stage when it can be successfully treated.
Please do consider getting the tests done...
All the best!
chrisann144 patticake62
Technically you I have to go a full year without a period to be in menopause so actually you will have to start counting all over again I have a friend that her bloodwork says she is post Menopausal and she has gotten two periods or one each year so she too has to hope she goes a full year without it I think your body just decided to have a period! The ca125 test isn’t reliable just like bloodwork during peri! I would say if something odd happens then go in and get the ultrasound and biopsy but it sounds like a typical period you had! Hope that explanation helps
Shana_rifka patticake62
I would go see a specialist. I would NOT take the only advise from an np and docs who aren’t even gynecologists let alone not even menapause speciality. I truly feel you are healthy but pls go to a specialist! Be well. Xo
nancy0925 patticake62
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I've decided to get the tests. At least I can rule it out and not worry about it anymore.
karen07486 patticake62
Hi Patticake
I am so glad you have chose to have the tests as I have just had pre-cancerous cells removed by having the LLetz procedure and if I hadn't had that done it had a high chance of turning in cervical cancer and I had no symptoms this was from a routine smear.
So please ladies don't ever just shrug things off get it checked because potentially it could be saving you from something a lot worse to deal with. I am so thankful and lucky this got picked up when it did.
jo4848 patticake62
Good decision to get them done. Just to let you know, I am the greatest wuss ever and the US didn't hurt at all. The biopsy was fine too, honestly. I took some ibuprofen and had some local too and all I felt was a pinch. Had this done twice and was fine both times. Try not to worry x
Got results today and it's Negative. Also, my period came again this morning. Sooooo, I'm relieved!!
Shana_rifka patticake62
So so happy for you Patti! Celebrate 🎉🍷🍺👍🙏