Period after 15 months
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Hey everyone. After 15 months of no menstrual cycle, last month I had all the symptoms of my period, sore breasts, increased appetite and my face even broke out (I'm 53). Sure enough I started bleeding, it was a 6 day text book period for me. I contacted my general practitioner who referred me to a gyn. I was always told that any bleeding after menopause was considered abnormal. So I began to worry. I reluctantly had an endometrial biopsy done per the gyn and I am happy to say that the tissue was not cancerous. I worried so much while waiting for my results. I hope this post can ease someone else's mind.
7 likes, 9 replies
NewfieMom Rose9253
that is great news! so happy for you
Rose9253 NewfieMom
Thank you so much.
Guest Rose9253
So glad you are ok. I guess as far as hormones are concerned there is no normal. Too bad you had to go thru all the worry, but sounds like you figured out what was going on by having all the signs of a period coming on before going to the doc.
Meno is such a little beeotch.
Rose9253 Guest
Thank you. I figured it was hormonal but a small part of me was still scared. So glad I got it checked out and put my mind at ease.
2chr2015 Rose9253
it was very nice of you to share this. I'm so glad everything was fine. I think what would be bad is if a person didn't know it was abnormal and let it go. the waiting for any test results is terrible. i know what you went through. for me, its the worst part of peri.
Rose9253 2chr2015
Thank you so much. I agree with you, post menopausal bleeding should definitely be checked out. Its so easy to dismiss as " a period".
Suki_girl Rose9253
That is very useful to know, thank you Rose. Sorry you had the scary wait for results - the waiting is horrible. Wouldn't it be great if they could give you the results there and then. I've had a few MRIs in my life and I often think - they can see it on the screen, why can't the consultant come in and tell me now?
Rose9253 Suki_girl
Youre welcome and I agree, the waiting is so stressful. The NP even had the results expedited because I was so scared.
2chr2015 Rose9253
that was very nice of them. i wish everyone was as compassionate . but, unless you've been through it you cant understand how bad it is