Period after 7 months

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Has anyone ever went several months without a period and it shows up out of nowhere? Im 53 and 1 month and 10 days exact. I thought it would be over by now.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I went eight months without a period then boom! I had another one and another. Long story short. I had a period for a year until I stopped for good.

  • Posted

    hi mary

    i too am 53 and yes exactly the same had one at xmas 2018 and then nothing till last week nightmare its just never ending one yhing and another so yrs i have been six months inbetween periods your not on your own hun xxx

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    I was 51 when I stopped completely. It depends on the woman. I know women who stopped at 44 and another had a period until she was 57.

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    hi your story sounds all to familair i had a friend who according to bloodwork was in menopause and still had a few periods then had to count all over again according to my bloodwork i should be post i just had bloodwork done in may my last period was feb 2019 i dont trust my body at all i doubt it was my last one! ughhh it all is soooo annoying! plus i get terrible cramping always have so when i get it i cant move for a couple of days...when i look back on my period tracker last year i had 7 periods i just wish i knew when it would just stop! i know how you feel!

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    I know what you mean. Im 54 no periods for nearly a year. Went on HRT about 5 months ago and just had a huge period! So loads of anxiety has kicked in now as Im worried something is wrong now. Back to the Docs again !

    I thought Id be well over all this now (my Mum fnished hers at 45 with no problems) .

    Anyhoo hopefully we'll be through it soon eh?

    Take care


  • Posted

    I am 48 and went almost 12 months without a period but now back on a 27 day cycle this year. gggrrrr!

    I think I read somewhere on here that their gyno had suggested that year period free really isn't long enough to wait, and we should be looking at 2-3 years period free to say that it is really done.

    • Posted

      omg that would make me livid and yes so many women on here thought they were post meno and would get a random period then go thru a battery of test for the dr to say its hormones my mother was done at 48 i turned 50 in nov so i dont follow my mother plus she never got cramps and she breezed thru peri and menopause

  • Posted

    Hi Mary,,, i'm 53 also,,, have skipped a couple months here and there for the last 5 years and I only have one ovary...Thought this would all be over along time ago,,, ITS THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD I GUESS!!! Ha,Ha This is far from funny but i do try to have a since of humor about this because it is pure misery,,,

  • Posted

    Yes, @ 48, no period for 4 months (never happened before), then began full flow-hemorrhaging, daily, for 30+ days (also never happened before).Biopsies were clear. Ultrasound showed no mass however, Gyn believes an ovary is possibly "bound" by Endometriosis based on Ultrasound. History of severe endometriosis, several endo' surgeries through 20's and early 30's. Gyn believes scar tissue from those surgeries may be an issue. Turned 49 last month. Now 6 weeks since hemorrhaging stopped - may be building up again. Hysterectomy scheduled.

    • Posted

      Also....intense and constant leg pain. Mostly quads shooting down toward knee from top of each leg. It does travel all the way down, however, most intense is in both quads primarily.

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