Period after a year and a half
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In scared to death. I turned 52 yesterday. I haven't had a period for a year and half. 3 weeks ago I had severe beat tenderness and then last week I had some bleeding. Not like my usual periods that were heavy. Just light spotting with horrible cramps. I have also had diarreah on and off for 3 weeks. I went to the dr and had pelvic with pap smear. The results on the lab isn't back yet bit she said all looked and felt normal. She dismissed the diarrhea issue as a possible virus. I have a referral for a pelvic sonogram that I am waiting ins clearance. But I'm scared here. My back is hurting but now I am seeing everything as a symptom. Scared
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becky221 mary18003
Don't be scared. Exactly what happened to me and I'm 52. But but had been close to 3 years since my last period. It seems to be fairly common but not well documented. Don't start Googling! Your doctor isn't worried so i think youre having the same issue I did. That was over a year ago and I'm fine. Nothing since. No worries Mary!
mary18003 becky221
lynda20916 mary18003
Hi, Mary, sorry to learn that you're having these problems. As for the diarrhea, it can be caused by hormone fluctuations. Many women experience episodes of diarrhea just before their periods. Hormones are very powerful substances. It might help you to google symptoms of excess estrogen or progesterone so that you can find out yourself. As you're not that long into menopause your hormones are probably still fluctuating. Take heart, and let us know how the sonogram turns out! xx
mary18003 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary18003
You're welcome. Don' scare yourself, just find out about the hormone levels. It helps if you have enough knowledge to act as your own advocate with the doctor and any medical system. Best of luck!
Sochima822 mary18003
Hi Mary, I agree with Becky, if your doctor isn't worried you shouldn't be either. Don't start googling unless you feel the need to scare yourself some more. I went through something similar, the scare of it being something turned out to be fibroids, and a swollen fallopian tube. I went through this about 3 years ago and survived. Stay calm Mary.
Just wanted to update you on my teats. Pelvic ultrasound showed all is well. Some small fibroids that the dr. Said wouldn't have caused the bleeding. Just a last hoorah for the hormone . I still have gastrointestinal intestinal issues...bad. I took myself, with permission, off my metformin. Felt GREAT for several days, but the diarrhea from hell returned today. I have a gi appointment on Aug 4th. Guess it's off to a colonoscopy. This diarrhea seems to be never ending. The first 3 days off my metformin was my first solid bowel in 2 months. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words.
Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words
Hahaha. "Tests" not "teats"
lynda20916 mary18003
Good to know that the tests turned out well. Let us know how the visit with the GI doc goes.
I had a TAH on Monday and am recovering. xx
debbie0465 mary18003
mary18003 debbie0465
Hi debbie,
Yes it is similar. Don't worry about the ultrasound, it was a breeze. The ultrasound on my boobs hurt more. The girls we squished. I don't know what to think about the digestive issues. I actually think, with me, I have a bacterial infection from antibiotics. I will let you know how the teat goes. After an all clear of my ultrasound I think that the diarrhea and the bleeding were coincidence. Let us know how your test goes and don't worry, it was a breeze.