Period early again! Headaches, can't sleep, bloated!
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I guess the early period again explains the migraines and lack of sleep past few days.
Sorry to sound like a broken record. I guess now I try the chaste berry and actually STICK to it full time now. I was in denial ... I'm not even 40 But if I'm NOT peri at the very least I must be estrogen dominant?
I'm soo bloated today too
Soo sorry again.
Can I ask why I don't get any patient notifications anymore to subscribed threads?
I looked in my settings but can't figure it out...
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rstep04 ellacraig
ellacraig rstep04
jamie50513 ellacraig
ellacraig jamie50513
laSt time i took vitex/chasteberry for only 2 weeks my cycle came on time and was a normal length, from memory it was still heavy but it wasnt early like it has been.
im on day 4 now, so far soo good, period not excessive .
Jamie if in fact we both are suffering estrogen dominance then thats a world of problems on its own, soon as you see your new gyno get him to test for that.
the vitex should raise progesterone and offset any inbalance irrespective. plus it works on stress related issues
the testimonials id read of women who'd NOT had periods for months have it return upon starting vitex.
AS A DOUBLE BONUS.. id read many women had breasts get bigger after vitex! i need that!!!
jamie50513 ellacraig
I just say the GYN on Friday and waiting on hormone and thyroid tests to come back. I will update you on the results.
chelo ellacraig