Period pattern

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Hi ladies, For those of you in menopause...what were your periods like before your last one came

? Mine have been all over, from missing 2 months, to heavy and clotting. .  However, My last 3 periods have been exactly 21 days apart, lighter, and this past one lasted only 2 days.  My symptoms and pms have been very bad lately too.  

I am 41, peri has been awful this past year.  I believe I have been going through it since age 38 though.  I take nothing except an Antidepressant.  Also, fully checked for all the bad stuff.

Any input would be great.  I know 2 people that had shorter, lighter periods...then, just stopped.  Don’t want to get my hopes up too high 😊

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I just had to restart my count last week.  I was so close to the one year mark and my body pulled a fast one on me.  These are my cycles for a year..

    29 days

    42 days

    29 days

    66 days

    59 days

    29 days

    23 days

    42 days

    25 days

    101 days

    Some were very heavy - especially when I would skip a period.  Some were lighter.  Really - they were just all over the place.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much!  I can tolerate  the crazy periods, hot flashes.  I’m getting walloped with fatigue, dizziness on top of everything else this past few months.  Only being offered antidepressant and Birth control pills for treatment until I’m in menopause.  Can’t imagine dealing with this for 10 years! Ugh!

      Hang in there!  That last one was close...damn Mother Nature!  

  • Posted

    I had a time 4 years ago at 48 when I missed 2 months but after that they were pretty normal mostly on time then just stopped at 51 in December. By feb I was feeling very lackluster couldn’t get out of bed and by April I completely lost it ... dizzy fatigued like somebody had drugged me . Couldn’t function . 
    • Posted

      That’s exactly how I feel...I feel I’m backwards.  Like I have a neurological problem...used to be sharp and energetic.  I thought all of these symptoms wouldn’t come until actual menopause.  To think I might be like this for years...or even after meno...It’s horrible! 
    • Posted

      You should level out ... it’s just a shock to your system but nature has a way of making the body function and adapting  . My anxiety didn’t go away but learned to live with it albeit not a great situation. Now however at 51 it’s all come crashing down . 
    • Posted

      Thanks Lori, I hope we all find some relief in time  🙏 

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