Period problem
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I started my period very early hours of Sunday morning, Sunday was a good flow. I put a night towel on as normal but by the morning there wasn't much there. Yesterday-Monday was the same, when I wipe myself there's a tiny bit of blood but nothing Much. I have bad cramps since Sunday and again today there's nothing on my towel. Am I looking into it too much?
I'm 100 % not pregnant. This isn't normal for me as my periods normally flow well with day 3 having a small break and then finishes as normal after 5 days.
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dawn57104 sam_91419
How old are you?
Did you take anything for the cramps? i am asking as if you take ibuprofen it can lessen the flow like you describe.
sam_91419 dawn57104
I've taken ibuprofen which I've taken in the past and never had a problem. My flows has pretty much stopped now, with a few drops when I wipe myself. I spoke to the doctor earlier and she said I've not ovulated properly and could be stress. I am however still with the cramps wifi but seem to worsen when I walk
tricia51298 sam_91419
I'd say since you're 100% not pregnant just be grateful for a light flow. Mine are unbearably heavy and long.
dawn57104 tricia51298
tricia51298 dawn57104
dawn57104 tricia51298
sam_91419 tricia51298
sam_91419 dawn57104
I used to take them years ago but my body cane used to them so my doctor told me a strong dose of ibuprofen would be good. However as the years have gone past my periods have become less painful and I can deal with it. My concern at the moment is the fact it I've bled for a day and that's it ??
tricia51298 sam_91419
How old are you if you don't mind my asking
sam_91419 tricia51298
I'm 29
dawn57104 sam_91419