Period's? Unsure why though?

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Hi ladies, my periods have always been regular as clockwork ( I'm peri have been for 10 months) But the last two the beggining all I'm having is Brown ( not red blood) as a bleed it is brown! The last period was like tis to? Then for less than a day I bled ? I'm now on a period(think) again it is brown I still wear a period pad I have also noticed I tend to feel really sick again happened this time round and on the last period? NOT happened before! I'm priods have been normal! Should I be concerned? Why well brown not red blood? Feeling sick before a period and migranes before and after a period?why am I producing brown discharge instead of blood? Are my periods coming to an end?any advice please!!?.xx

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know what to say about your periods being brown and not red. That is odd 

    I would talk to your doctor about this and see what they think. 

    If you get sick before your period you said you get migranes do you get nauseated to you stomach before your period. 

    I know when i had a little one two weeks ago i felt really nauseated sick to my stomach and then i had the diarrhea and then a little bit of bleeding that made me sick for a couple of days with my left side really hurting badly 

    I would talk to your doctor about the concern about the color of your period 

    Try not to worry 

    • Posted

      Hi there. I'm not worried, what I'm getting, the brown  discharge is what I normally get towards the end of my Normal periods. However my last 2 periods, and now the one I'm on now I'm greeting brown discharge at the begging of the last 2-3 periods with either very little bleeding towards the end of a period? I was just wondering if this is normal ? Is this peri? It's a dark colour? It doesnt smell or any pain. 
    • Posted

      Then you could be starting perimenopause because mine started when i was 46 i am 47 now and still have symptoms like the fast heart rate, the anxieties, the tiredness, the acid reflux, the moods and then being hot and then cold and not sleeping to good at times, 

      Its been crazy then having little bit of bleeding and cramping 

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,i d not had a period for four months, then last week I had a brown discharge similar to what it's like at the end of a period,it was t heavy but lasted about 3days,I think it must be part of peri x
    • Posted

      Hi fudgebear1, my periods r regular as clockwork just thes last couple of periods this is how my periods have started brown discharge!!!!!!!!. My symptoms are well tired, feeling sick migranes before and after a period ( although I get migranes a lot more frequent now ) and on Propanolol and Sumertription,acid reflux so medication for this too as this has got worse to?. Just we'll not mowing if this thing with periods is normal?!just strange to me!!. ?????????!!!!!!!!! All these unanswered questions !!. X
    • Posted

      Hi Michele my energy has disappeared,I ve also started with acid reflux,my nerves are on edge I think it's just all part of peri x
    • Posted

      IT is because it seems like my acid reflux is worse and so are my anxieties 

      Had anxieties all day Wednesday heart rate up at a 117 and anxieties all day Thursday and Friday my heart rate at a 112 anxieties yesterday when coming back upstairs from the laundry room almost went into a panic mode also felt my heart racing and then the tiredness and not sleeping well and the cramping and stomach issues

      I'm just waiting it out i am not taking any HRTs after the bleeding i went through plus it messes up my diabetes, my blood pressure and my hypothyroidism. All i am taking is paxil and ativan for anxieties and depression 

      This well end and we well calm down evenually but it takes time for our bodies to adjust we just have to give it time

    • Posted

      I'm sorry you re having a hard time Susan.I get panicky when I m busy doing housework it's just crazy,I feel like I'm losing the plot,i feel like I have to rush around and then start to panick,my Herat fears faster of I get palpatations,I keep getting bouts of vertigo and an awful tight heavy head,I do have trouble with an inner ear problem,but things were never this bad,I wondering if peri is just making my vertigo worse.Keep smiling xx
  • Posted

    I'm a good 4 years into peri and my bleeds are often brown at the beginning and the end and can be lighter than when they were' normal' Mine are more erratic now than they used to be. I'm not concerned.
  • Posted

    Brown blood is just old blood that takes a while to leave the body. I've had a couple of periods like that, I dont worry about then. Feeling sick is really common with hormone fluctuations.

    Who knows when peri will end for any of us, we're all different that's what makes it so frustrating.

    Just got to make the most of life and go with the flow.

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