Periods 14 days apart
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Hello, lovelies,
So here we go again - I had settled down and now I have had two periods this month, the second starting 14 days after the start of the other one. Boobs super sore and big (for me, which isn't saying much lol). Our whole lives from the time we get our periods we are told that bleeding mid-cycle or during sex is BAD BAD BAD, and now when it happens they just fluff me off because "it is just your age." Freaks me out! Trying to stay anxiety-free but this stuff is stressful! Anyone else have periods close together like that? Last time this happened was February 2017. Ugh.
xoxo Heidi
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sara97862 heidiparthena
Hi Heidi,
Yes, had the same thing in April this year. Ran to the gyne, because that's not normal, right? She asked me a few questions... was it super-heavy? Larger than usual clots? Unusual color/odor or pain?
"Not unusual for a woman my age" she says.
If i had a nickel for every time I heard that phrase this past year....
christine-Perim sara97862
i could have wrote this. same thing.
heidiparthena christine-Perim
All mine said was "Just log it. But it's normal for a woman your age." Ugh!
kelly55079 heidiparthena
UGH. I would be so mad!! I really hate my periods-- heavy and messy that ruins a few days for me. Yes, at our age-- anything goes.. Maybe you were stressed or maybe you nearing the end?? : ) Try not to worry, I'm sure it's OK... Just keep a diary of all this stuff going on so that when your Dr asks, you'll know the answers. Take Care.
Guest heidiparthena
Omg, yes. Periods were all over the place. Every shape and size. I also have just a bit of blood after sex, that always freaks me out too. But my tests are always ok.
I have finally started skipping periods but out of the blue I'll get a normal period after skipping 4 months. White pants are risky!