Periods going haywire

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My last cycle was 56 days long without a period. When it did eventually start it was very light for a few days then heavy then light then heavy and finally just pale dribbling blood for a day. I had two days with no bleeding and then I started with the pale dribbling again. This has been intermittent for the last 3 days.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I also have an increased need to urinate and a feeling of pressure in my bottom.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    My periods went all over the place last december, i had one for a week then it stopped for a few days and then started up again for another week and then had spotting for a while, then didnt have anything for nine weeks, the last one came on time, i am 51.
    • Posted

      I was fairly regular until a year ago when my cycle went down to 24/5 days then I had a period last may that was very light and a few days only. Then nothing until September when it went in for 8 days and was very heavy:-( then nothing since. I did a FSH test and it was positive for peri.

      Guess the wonky cycles were giving me a clue but I think so far I have had it easy. The hot flashes/ anxiety and loss of boob mass:-(( are hitting big time and feel my hair is thinner and my skin is dryer and thinner. Started Evening primrose 3xdaily and B complex with Menopace and hope to get some improvement. The worst if it is the loss of libido - just feel like I go through the motions and it's actually very sore down below afterwards (if you get my drift).

      Not a happy bunny

    • Posted

      I think i need to try evening primrose, my skin seems quite spotty now, It was never that bad before! Poor you feeling sore below, i havent actually had that yet but the libido has gone anyway!
  • Posted

    Hi pmc1709 no wonder your not a happy bunny, i totaly understand your comments about The worst if it is the loss of libido - just feel like I go through the motions and it's actually very sore down below afterwards (if you get my drift). Not nice at all is it and men wonder why we go off sex, who wants to  add even more discomfort on top of what we are already going through.its like asking a man to have sex after a circumcision or having a vasectomy, difference is they heal we dont, just have to find the right lubrication or go on hrt. All yoiur other symptoms are exactly the same as mine before my periods finally stopped which in itself was one blessing with the freedom of no more scared to leave the house due to floodings which i gathe you dont have.

    Sue x

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