Periods started again

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I've gone two years no period then started bleeding I've had all tests done regarding scans biopsy and lucky everything OK but now I'm having periods every month had blood tests for hormones but I was in the understanding that after two years no period I wouldn't have any more

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    Hi i was lucky to have my results on Tuesday and I was told my periods could possibly start again after 2 years 😱If you had all tests and everything is good then it's

    Mother Nature doing her thing xx take care 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • Posted

    Every woman is different.  If you have had a very emotional time in the past two years, that can stop periods. (even for younger women)   Dependant on your age, this might go on for a short're body is doing this somewhat slowly....easing you into menopause.  As long as things look fine on your tests, I wouldn't worry about it.  You're just probably one of those woman who even with out periods for a couple years, was running a relatively high estrogen level.  

    But I'm sure that was a shock to get a period again.  My guess is, they won't last too long.  

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      I've just Google high estrogen and I've defo got all them so hopefully will show in blood results and they can help me with it xx

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      Just remember that "high" estrogen is a relative term.  You might run high for a woman who is near menopause, but this would be far short of the levels for a woman in her 30s or 40s.  But even in menopause, woman can have estradiol levels running in the 50pg/ml range.  These woman are usaully the ones who don't have many complaints, i.e. no hot flashes and night sweats, etc.  

  • Posted

    Deborah, PTL all is fine!  Same thing happened to me other than the still having them every month altho my gyn report says that I would more than likely ovulate again and that I was not in menopause like I thought even though it had been over 19 months since spotting and then 9 months later a flood of a period. I too had all the test , tansvaginal scans , biopsies and paps and I thank God all was okay! I don't know exactly what she meant that some of the blood work shows i'm peri and not meno I am 59 years old! May I ask your age and are you on HRT? 

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      I'm only 50 and no not on anything because before this happened my doctor said I was doing fine and didn't need anything but my weight gain is a stone in nine months so I've just gone slimming world don't no if this will help if it's due to hormones

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    To put your mind at rest I went 13 years without periods then started again on a monthly basis, I think it just depends on your body Hun.if all test are ok and nothing wrong it's just Mother Nature playing games

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      Bloodnut you must of went through menopause at a early age.
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      No periods just stopped no menopause had started menopause then body reverted back to pre menopause so 54 still not started it although getting symptoms again have been told very rare to revert back but does happen
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    Well after everything been told I've not even started my menapause well why the bloody hell did doctors tell me I was in the first place and why I went to years no period all all that worry is very strange to say the least

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      Same with me Deborah, I thought I was way past meno since going over 19 months no period but then blood work shows i'm not  and then that totally unexpected flood of a nightmare period what a shock that was!

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      Well the funny thing was I had night sweats weight gain mood swings my doctor says that was most likely down to having no period when my body wanted one
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      I had all those symptoms too and a ton more BUT I thought I was post meno and then when that gushing period came out of no where it scared the heck out of me. I knew i ovulated about a week or two before but then I thought how could this be I'm post meno. I had ALL test done including blood work and the gyn office said I would more than likley ovulate again and that some of the blood work shows me still peri (i'm 59) and to come in next year for regular check up. Now I'm like constantly wonder with every bathroom trip am I going to bleed or start spoting or when will or if I get a gushing period again. It just keeps me wondering this stuff as far as bleeding surley has to stop sometime I only wonder "when" 

    • Posted

      I'm only 50 but now had period last three months doctors say I need to have coil fitted but I'm not think my body needs to just let nature take its course

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