Periods - what to expect?

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Hi ladies,

Ive noticed since finishing HRT that my periods are going from a 28/30 day cycle to a 25 day cycle. Over the last few months they have got shorter. Even though my hormone tests were normal i have been in peri for at least 4/5 years. My question is what is likely to happen with my periods? If they continue to get shorter will i end up on a permanent period or will they just stop? Really dont think i could cope if i was bleeding continuously. Im a bear with a sore head when im onsad

What's other ladies experiences? Any advice would be most appreciated.


E x

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi elaine 

    your body will be adjusting to no HRT ( hormone replacement) 

    you would have postponed your peri meno by taking hormone replacement as you boosted them back up .

    now they will decline again and peri will begin again..

     HRT postpones peri meno and post meno..thats why it is given to eliminate symptoms and boost hormones that naturally decline, 

    good luck hun, give your body chance to adjust and find its natural levels,  HRT may take 6 months to leave the system in general 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Jay.

      Im just worried about bleeding continuously as ive read some horror stories on here about ladies bleeding for weeks on end. That would be my worst nightmare!

      Im due to see the gyne on the 15th. Still going to ask if i can go back on HRT. Just felt so much better on it even though it was a low dose. Will see what he says. I just feel like a neurotic beached whale at the moment. Put loads of weight on and the PMT and mood swings are awful. Not to mention the sweats!

      Will keep you updated and thanks for your help.


    • Posted

      Hi elaine 

      why did you stop your HRT .. And which HRT was you taking 

      jay x

    • Posted

      I was advised to stop taking HRT as ive got fibroids but as the doctor said, i may have had the fibroids before i started HRT, i just didnt know.

      I was on Prempak C low dose.

      Ive just been reading about a natural hormone replacement cream and wondered if that would be beneficial? Just feel i need a little help to take the edge off. Even on HRT i still had some peri symptons.


    • Posted

      Hi elaine 

      oh right prempak 😫 thats equine HRT made from pregnant mares urine.

      better off not on that one in my opinion..

      i wouldnt use anything if I were you ... Natural progesterone is not good either.

      i had terrible time on it ... It can cause problems,

      do what your Gyno says don't feed the fibroids with more hormones, unless Gyno says what to take and monitors you..

      look up dangers of natural progesterone .. and decide for yourself, but dont buy off internet, ask your Gyno..

      my Gyno says its a big no no.. It causes hormonal overload and converts into testoserone.. And causes havoc.. It gave me a breast lump and restarted my stopped periods ... scary times .. That was in 2011.

      it stores up in the body fat and overloads after time.

      best to know that it can or may cause further issues .. 

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Oh i just despair sad is there anything that is safe to use which will help take the edge off these symptoms? Im already taking all the vits you recommended plus starflower. Dont know what else to try? Just feel so frustrated as i know how great i felt on HRT but cant find an alternative!


    • Posted

      Hi Elaine 

      your body will need time to re adjust from HRT ..

      so its a vicious circle..

      could take a good 6 months plus to clear from body, 

      keep positive hun..

      get busy with something and take your mind off it ..

      They say Fibroids shrink post menopause .. if not on HRT 

      so thats good yeah ..

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Elaine,

      i have tried 4 different HRT, tablets, Patches and now am on oestrogel and Utrogestan (progesterone). It's the closest to our own hormones and the one with fewest health risks and will be the easiest one to ween off when the time comes as you can just reduce the amount of gel you put on! I have the felt the best in over two years! My meno specialist even told me that I was already using the best HRT on the market! My anxiety has gone, my digestive problems have improved and so has my sinuses! 

      Good luck my lovely and remember life is for living! Massive hugs to you xxxJoy xxx


    • Posted

      Its not so easy to ignore some of my peri symptoms especially when ive sweat streaming down my scalp and face sad waterfall down my back! Hubby getting annoyed with me due to my mood swings......and the list goes on!, ive even changed jobs due to having to wear a uniform in my old job and the sweat pouring through it. Not good when you work closely with the public. Now i can wear what i want and disguise the rivers of sweat.....or try!

      Anyway i will await my gyne appointment and see what develops. Alternative is the nearest gas oven!!

      Thanks Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi elaine 

      bless you hun

      you need to talk to your Gyno again and tell him/her and see what they say

      And if they can help you.

      i cant take HRT so had to endure the lot .. 😏

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Joy,

      Thanks for your reply. Well im not sure i can go back on the HRT due to my fibroids but i will ask the gyne when i go on the 15th.

      I just know i felt much better when i was on HRT and i could cope with life easier. One thing is for certain....i was much happier when using the HRT!

      Will see what the gyne advises and keep you informed.

      Thanks ladies xx

    • Posted

      How many fibroids do you have and how long have you had them?I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago mainly because of several fibroids,one which was about 20cm,the size of a 32 week pregnancy and weighing just over 6lb.This was a shock as originally i thought i had a hernia.Fibroids can grow very quickly and i would just say if you don't know the size please find out.My periods changed for a few weeks months aswell.I used to be every 28 days without fail and then i started to change to every 21 days or near enough.My periods became slightly heavier and i was getting blood clots but nothing to be over alarmed about.My fibroids were diagnosed on an ultrasound scan and then i had to have a ct scan for a clearer image.This is when they found the hernia aswell.
    • Posted

      Hi teresa 

      just want to say - wishing you a great recovery- bless ya 

      take it easy and look after yourself 

      jay x


    • Posted

      Hi Teresa,

      My largest fibroid is 5cm and i have multiple small ones. Not as bad as yours but HRT feeds them thats why i had to stop it.

      I had an ultrasound and thats how they were discovered. I probably had them for a while just didnt know it!



  • Posted

    The first hormone to decrease is progesterone and the effect of this is periods coming closer together, after a while they will get further apart though so don't worry lol.
    • Posted

      Thanks Helen, dont think i or even hubby could cope with me bleeding continuously. I turn into a monster when its that time of the month. At least i do now! I was fine when taking the HRT. These days i could quite easily murder someone lol!

      Oh the joys......


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