Persstent and Constant Bleeding
Posted , 6 users are following.
Has anyone else suffered from this complaint? I have been bleeding now for 19 days with no sign of a let up and it's really starting to irritate me.
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Has anyone else suffered from this complaint? I have been bleeding now for 19 days with no sign of a let up and it's really starting to irritate me.
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doc1981 sara42041
sara42041 doc1981
jane98094 sara42041
i would go to see your doctor to check it out. I did have some bleeding when I first went on HRT and was caused by a fibroid which was removed easily and then no more problems.I would always check unusual bleeding with your doctor.
sara42041 jane98094
jane98094 sara42041
maybe change your doctor but ask friends etc and get a recommendation.I think a doctor should take the time to explain and reassure you and 30 days is along time to like it or lump it!
jayneejay sara42041
you havent said if you are in peri or not..
when i was in very early peri i bled for 21 months constant but different vatiations, from spotting, to heavy, to normal, light, never seems to let up... maybe had two or three days in between of nothing... this was in early peri the start of I was aged 40 then, I am now aged 50 and still in peri...
Jay xx
anxiousface sara42041
sara42041 anxiousface
lisa65434 sara42041
Chrisy sara42041
claire19023 sara42041
fancygoldfish sara42041
I am 57 and have been bleeding off and on, mostly on, for 5 months. I've been using progesterone cream for 2 months, but I don't see any improvement. I'm obese, and I know fat means more estrogen and breakthrough bleeding/spotting means low progesterone. Has anyone ever bled this long and then eventually it stopped on its own to get to menopause?
jayneejay fancygoldfish
i am age 50, i started peri at 40 and i bled for 21 months varying from heavy, light, spotting, lasted 21 months with about two free days in between.. this was how i knew i was peri...
i am now 50 and still in peri but nearing full meno as last period was 11 months ago..
i also tried natural progesterone cream years ago, and it made me have periods/bleed more regularly, and more symptoms i found for me, also it gave me a breast lump i never had before, it was hormonal related and painful like a cyst, i used the natural progesterone cream for about 10 months in total but felt it was confusing my bodies natural path, the big breast lump then went after stopping... menopause is normally reached they say... when no period in a complete 12 months, even then after meno reached a period can still come 😩 jay xx