Peru and HRT? Does it help?
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Just been to the docs today cos I feel rubbish.
Keep feeling weak and dizzy, incredibly tired and then the sweats ( worse just before and after my period).
My FSH level was normal and my periods are around every 24 days but the doc is convinced it's Peri that's causing all of this. He wants to try me on a low dose HRT as he says that will make a big difference. Just wanted some unbiased opinions so I can go in armed with a bit of knowledge.
Thanks ladies xx
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marlene21102 stella19032
HotDot7 stella19032
Sandy07 stella19032
jayneejay stella19032
tricky that one ... Personal choice hun...
sometimes we need abit of help from time to time ...
Maybe he would give you the combined pill hun, ? if your still having regular periods ..
did he explain which HRT for you... i do think that while you are having periods that hormones are better taken then ... Rather than reach meno then have them and have peri all over again...
I had a natural peri and now i use a tiny bit of estriol ovestin vaginally every three days for a short time to help dryness.. So we do need options sometimes and abit of help..
jay jay xx
SoopyLoopy stella19032
It sounds like Peri and you will be advised to try B6 and 12 in large doses by lots of us here as it seems gentler on your system. HRT is a very personal thing - I can't take it becuase of family history but others get on with it well. The B6 (100mg) has made the world of difference to my energy levels.
Have a good look through some of the discussions as we are all in the same boat.
jayneejay SoopyLoopy
wow great stuff... B6 & B12 is such a life saver isnt it... Always pleased when someone says it helps them too .. Great ..
Jay xx
wearykitty SoopyLoopy
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
hello hun 😃😃😃😃😃
well the supplements we must take ... To keep us going 😃
how are you today,
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
you are funny.... spring cleaning as you missed it ... 😀
yes its best to crack in when you feel your best and in the mood, thats what i do, tomorrow i have a few tasks... 😳
takes me ages to water the orange and lemon trees as the irrigation system seems to be blocked somewhere.... Jeeeez
the washington palm has got brewers droop 😮
' sod that for a game of soldiers' 😀
jay jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
oh .... being sick must be awful, i hate being sick...
poor you...
Marlene ... shes hiding ... think shes got a toy boy 😀
jay jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
So been uncomfortable day,plus my tinnitus been playing up,truth be I'm well ticked off.Headache from tinnitus along with rhinitis.ive been on water only today,and couple of Migraleve,not it's BP tablet and bed
hope I get up brighter in the morning B.......y menopause,xxxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
oh poor you ... yes i too hope you feel better in the morning..
we have missed you 👀
night night marlene
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
HotDot7 jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
Bit happier today,IBS going down ,slept okay. Didn't need to get up during the night,will stick to water today mostly .Only got IBS when this menopause began,never had it before in all my years,that alone messes you up,watching what you can and cannot eat or take in tablet form meds or even Vits.cant eat tomatoes,nuts especially peanuts ,and peanut oil,certain fruits ,white my list of no goes.All blinking good fun running gauntlet daily.Hows everyone doing today,or is that a STUPID question.probably the latter. Give the B Vits a few days off May just try B12 after weekend,not the 6 as I'd never had B12 they maybe okay on there own,the 6 had trouble in past with,so I know after 2nd time with them there a definate no go area.will let you know how I fare with the 12 next week. Fingers crossed.Happy days,who ever came up with those 2 words want shooting,got to have been a male .xxxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
glad your feeling abit better hun...
yes i must agree with that.. my digestive went crazy when my peri started..
i notice aswell certain foods are worse... i never eat fat, or fries, ham and bacon sets me off, anything fatty really....
if i even look at a bacon sarny i feel ill... strange isnt it...
i wont fry anthing in the house as hate the smell .. yak
years ago i use to use my deep fat fryer for other family members and always put in on a table outside on extension lead ... as the smell... oh nooo
when i first met my partner i did this dish that my mum always made and it meant i had to fry scallop potatoes like thick crisps, i took the deep fat fryer outside and put lead through the window and he thought i had lost the plot 😀😀😀😀😀 hahahahahahaha... i said i dont fry in house, too smelly. too greasy ....
have a great day Marlene
jay xx
jo92050 marlene21102
I feel for you, like you I didnt have ibs until this menopause started full on last October and same as you I cant take any vitamins, I cant eat what you cant and dairy knocks my tummy around, though I do try skim milk every so often. I am glad to read that you cant eat too much fruit, not glad for you but comforted I guess that there is someone else that cant eat fruit, tried it all no good for tummy. My blood tests showed that my b12 was good but I tried some sublingual b12's just to help thinking seen I didnt swallow them they would not go into my tummy and upset the ibs, still had problems though. I am going to try them again in a few months to see if I can handle them. Good luck to you and I hope that you can handle them and they help, will give me ecouragement to try again. I have become a big chicken when it comes to putting anything in my mouth now. Lol, happy days, lets hope they come again real soon for all of us...xxxx
marlene21102 jo92050
I now can't eat Strawberries,apples ,pineapple,since this began 8 years ago,.
Wholemeal fine ,but only certain bread products,white bread definate no go,.
Fish,Chicken , Beef all fine,never eat pork so don't know about that meat,or same for lamb.
Veg wise okay long as it's kept to a limited amount.So even veg and fruit,all healthy for some but not in my case.
Drs meds I'm the same as you are ,weary,in case they set IBS off antibiotics the worse for that giving me upset,got to be what they contain.
I was told to look up a Dr Mozzi blood group,now that's an interesting read for anyone menopausal.Go have a look .
I've had allergies since all this began,honest it's unbelievable what this does,all down to hormones out of whack.
I've got tinnitus bad since this kicked off big time,and had balance issue as well,think thTs either meno. Or allergies,causing Eustachian tubes to be blocked,hence the balancing act,where my ears feel full up daily,but i can hear fine,then we got the Gyne discomfort ,going alongside the IBS .
B........y nightmare of a walk daily.everyday you just think another day with this carry on,oh and the anxiety can't forget that one thrown in to the mire.
Got to be female Drs not on HRT with same problems out there just has to be,all females on same route.
I've no answer to any of it,waiting it out again.You takecare xxx
lucky them who have sailed through it hey
anxiousface jo92050
jayneejay anxiousface
i cant eat acidic fruit or juices either... That orange juice in the cartons even gives me cystitus as sooo acidic ..
melon is gentle... I eat it every day...
i still manage to take my B's ... So lucky there .. Well B1 and B6 the B12 is injected..
have a lovely weekend hun
jay jay xx
anxiousface jayneejay
jayneejay anxiousface
wow good for you going shopping..
I nipped into town this morning .. my Anxiety has all gone now yippeeeeee
Oh bran and muesli...
my other half says, get a box of museli ... ' i said look ... I may have a lot of free time, but eating a bowl of museli takes hours 😃😃😃
no nothing planned this weekend, only popped to town and pottering about..
Earlier fixed the dodgey push button on the AC control unit ..
wow ... Was so pleased my logic worked.. I went to bed, last night, podged the rubber On / Off button on the AC in bedroom, dam thing wouldn't work, wouldnt connect .. So i pulled the soft rubber button out ... Carbon dot connector it was .. Not connecting to circuit board..
thought right i can fix this .. Its been playing up a while.. Never know if its gonna turn on or not ..
so i got a paper hole punch, punched abit of silver foil a circle, placed it on some double sided tape, cut it out, stuck it to the carbon dot that no longer works, and bingo we have connection a working on and off button..
too hot with out AC at bedtime...,
hahahaha.. 😃😃😃😃😃
amazing what you can do when your fella works away..
jay jay xx
marlene21102 anxiousface
22 years heck long time with IBS ,how on earth have you coped with it,for so long ,must have got you down.
My food like yours BLAND,every day you think what can I have today for a change ,then you end up same old thing ,you got no choice.some say plain mash potato calms lot of digestive probs ,my cousin has that for IBS and leaky gut,her diets bland.
Multi Vits ,same problem,when I got virus my dr said multi Vit as my immune system was so low,but these gave me a real bad stomach ,then went to Vit B 6 was I bad IBS wise so knew it was the 6 giving me the problem .i agree any kind of meds can do it to,I'm only on a BP tablet,and odd Migraleve for allergy headaches.i drink lots of water 4 50 mls bottle water.Great simply great all of
jayneejay marlene21102
i remember years ago my doc suggested fibrogel a orange drink ..
when i had endometriosis i had shocking iBS then before my op..
oh lordy lordy it was disgusting.. I couldnt drink it.. It was like drain unblocker
jay xx
jo92050 marlene21102
Hope you are doing ok...
I have to thank you for clearing up the mystery as to why I cant take b vitamins, I cant eat bananas either. I dont know if I am allergic to nuts but cant have almond milk so stay away from all nuts. Thank goodness for your book...It seems our tummies are the same, I can eat chicken and beef, havent tried white fish cause I cant eat salmon and cant eat the fruits that you cant or pears or citrus or stoned, lol...and not going to take any drs meds to find out how they react. Will look up Dr Mozzi thanks for that. I started horrible allergies last April, sure I sneezed non stop for 3 months, now my nostrils are always blocked, they take it it turns, either the left or right, at least one is always free...I feel for you having the tinnitus on top of everything else, Hmmm and the nightmare wouldnt be complete without the gyno discomfort and the anxiety...I have given up on drs they only have 2 answers to help me, hrt or antidepressants/anxiety meds and yes there should be some female drs going through this without hrt but I have not come across any. I have been thinking about what the worst symptom has been over the last nearly year (had symptoms on and off for about 6 years previous) and although they have all been pretty horrible and debilitating at times, I think the fear of food and trying to eat and the fear of losing too much more weight, along with the health anxieties has been worse than the physical pain, headaches, hot flushes and so on ...I have no answers for myself or anyone and as you, I am just waiting it take care and look after yourself...ohhh yeah lucky are those who have sailed through...
jo92050 anxiousface
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
now then... thats a question...
i currently feel better than i did in early peri meno.. as i had no end of problems, cysts, faints, etc etc
but i feel different now, more human, but still sluggish at times, anxiety has gone, sense of humour back, still get a little sensitive sometimes emotional with stuff ...,but alot better really...
i avoid prats people i know will annoy me, as i cant be doing with them..
i just want a calm relaxed life now..
but I had have words with myself a few months ago, as was getting in a rut and making myself worse, as if you dwell it seems worse.. so happy go lucky is the key ... positive mind, accept its a transition, listen to your body and take it easy when it cries out, and do what you can when you can..
enjoy the ok days to the full ...
anxiousface jo92050
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
your not doomed hahahahaha
jay xx
jo92050 anxiousface
jo92050 anxiousface
Thank you so much for your help and your stressless hug and I am sending a massive stressless hug back to you...look after
marlene21102 jo92050
When I had a neck tumor removed I mentioned this anxiety to surgeon who operated on me,he said you want Reiki,now what did a surgeon know about Reiki,unless he'd used it himself,or maybe practised this himself.
So that's an avenue meno females want to seriously look at .
Glad Wholemeal bread okay,fine if you don't go over the top,I'm fine on 2 slices,never tried anymore,if in UK,best one for taste,is Co- ops own Wholemeal,and not expensive 75p a loaf.lovely taste, recommend
jayneejay marlene21102
how are you today..
bread... 😑 just been out to fetch some bread..
i have tried them all here, they have a weirsd after taste ... But bread here the sliced, it has a long long shelf date .. So full of preservatives..
i buy the integral the smooth brown, they have like a granary but yak its so horrid here, .. The bread ...,even the fresh from bakery turns in to a rock if not eaten same day 😧
mind you they do a lovely olive oil bread .. Thats very nice .. Eaten same day though..
i have bread maker had it years, never lets me down, tend to use that in winter for my fresh loaf, for my home made hearty steak soup ( pressure cooker one ) yummy
my mums old receipe .. My fave ...
Too hot for that yet here .. Good lord ☺️
Have a great day Marlene
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
When I lived out in Singers there bread was vile,never ate it.
I've got a bread maker,handy to have when in winter ,and snows and can't get out.Time I use it,or his lordship does.Bread maker does make a good loaf,bought our girl one,as she works full time,stick it on late evening when cooler Jay.Weve used spelt flour,that's nice for bread if you got digestive probs.
looks like rain here,come over dark,1st Sept this year going quick,what you up to,nearly tea time in Spain.Cleaned out my aquarium,fed them so my duty done,their relaxing to watch destresser,was going to colour my hair,cover up bits of grey,not a lot for my age,pleased about that,call them my highlights ,when I put a colour on.xxxxxx MAR
jo92050 marlene21102
It is surprising but I have heard that in England and America some of the medical community accept reiki, unfortunately not so much here in Australia. For sure reiki is a avenue that meno ladies could look into.
I have to thank you so much for mentioning that you can eat wholemeal bread cause I wouldnt have thought to try it otherwise. Hahaha that seems to be my problem, I find something that may not upset me once and think beauty and go over the top and pay for it but I will be a good girl and for at least the next few weeks have 1 slice every 2 days then increase to 2 and see how I go. As I mentioned I am in Australia and I got a bakery bread that our local shop sells. Again thanks so much for your help and have a great
jayneejay marlene21102
busy like me then..
been vacuuming the outside terraces and mopping ...
now .. Polishing marble floors 😕 cant mop them as smear .. Cant steam them as smear... Have to vacuum them and hand and knees with kitchen roll and window spray... jeeeeez i am boiling now ... Did the stairs last night..
havent finished yet .. Need a minute.. ' they have a very nice shine now ..
ironing later ... Jeeeeez i am jiggered
Jay Jay xx
marlene21102 jo92050
Where in Aussie are you ? Mt cousin lives on Bribie Island Queensland,he's just been home for visit.
Hope Wholemeal works it toasted,with poached egg,I'm a lover of Mackrel fish,have Wholemeal with that. Yes bland food but you can mix and match ,don't always go together,but at least you know you won't suffer from getting right foods that won't play you up.Takecare xxx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Hard on the old knees,those floors.nice when they look good,but heavy going .id be tuckered out to.
They had about Scottish referendum on telly,be glad to see that done and dusted with,another 2 weeks of it.Cant see them going independent,can't stand that Salmon chap,full of himself,sees himself as self proclaimed King of Scotland,if they go independent .Dont think Brits bothered much from what I hear out and
jayneejay marlene21102
hahahaha I use to have help years ago when i worked full time.. But no not now, prefer to do it myself, theres clean and theres Jay Jay clean ..
I am a fussy sod.. i would only do it again when they left ..
yeah the scottish thing.. Wonder how that will pan out..
lots of Scottish here .. Home owners... Spain PM says Spain wouldnt welcome independent Scotland, the big picture for them would be, visas to come here, Don't like to think what else owning here for them after independance would entail ...
They tax you to breathe anyway.
jay jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
The Scots can't join the EU for 5 years,they could end up like Greece.
We keep our Union Jack,just change it's name to ...........Jack,as that's our Kite Mark,then build back up Hadrians Wall,sorted.
To much involved,but what will be will be.
See that Salmon had to get these kids into the mix,had to he's not got their interest at heart,at his age he could well be dead ,leaving them right in it.
Politics over.
Where's her highness ( Dottie ) she's quiet,hope it's not a meno off day.
I'm sat watching Cake Boss,like that,even re- runs.Friend in New York sent me my cake boss mug,as a surprise.
Hope your all done for today.xxxx
HotDot7 marlene21102
jayneejay HotDot7
yeah we miss you....
i have been quietish today ... been busy too ..
having a Dust and a Clean heehehehehehe
good luck to your daughter for tomorrow
take care Jay xx
marlene21102 HotDot7
So your baby's off to college,,packed everything barring kitchen sink I bet. Girls and there stuff,if my girls anything to go by.How far away is she?
So just you and hubby in house ,get more comp time .wont be long before girls back home for Christmas,time passes quick.xxxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
you said CHRISTMAS ..... noooooooooo
This bowl of rice pudding is going down a treat .. 😛
hope it doesnt play havoc tomorrow
nom nom
jay xxx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Can't do rice pudding Jay,don't agree,but I like,liked it.avoid milky foods to anything full fat,only have semi,or 1 per cent milk.B .......y pleasures on food intake.good job I'm not into sugar,that's no go big time. Hope pud was homemade ?my old mums was gooooood,loved the skin on top,bread pudding,right good cook my old mum,nothing shop bought .Her generation,had to be 5 kids.xxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
Homemade .... oh nooo... not this one... only me here ....
too hot for the oven belting out heat.. hahahaha no AC in kitchen its 30 degrees in there even now... i run in and bolt out ...
i do make homemade but only when the family were all at home.
i'm alone Marlene so too much hassle for one ..
i saw an ambrosia tin and hadnt had any for years and years so it was my little treat... but i feel abit sickly now 😩 i had the whole tin
yes the days pass quickly and the years... 😢
i had a right busy non stop day today and still feel dandy apart from too much rice pudding ... yippeee
all the ironing done too...
my nick name by the way is Monica ( out of Friends) as i never stop cleaning hahahahaha
my kids also call me Ross as ' i like getting married '
cheeky devils
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Don't be surprised now if Dottie don't start calling you Monica,let cat out of the bag there,oops
The Ross thought good what your 2 like . Gets a laugh main
jayneejay marlene21102
Your daughter sounds amazing ..
I can cook and bake and enjoy it too, but in summer its fish, salad, fruit, pasta for me, too hot for cooked stuff..
I like traditional english food, cottage pie, roast beef, good old steamed pud etc..
Jay xx
jo92050 marlene21102
Yes we can do reiki on ourselves but the state I got myself into it wasnt a good idea, supposed to be calm and relaxed and boy thats not what I was. I do it now if I feel a ache or pain so I dont annoy my hubby every 5 minutes but usually every night he will give me a full reiki. Your cocker would have got so much out of you doing reiki on him and the fact that he was calm and letting you do it, instead of being fidgety just shows you how it can help to calm animals and humans. I have a egg every now and then and I am really looking forward to having a poached egg with toast and HP Sauce, yum....I will start trying to mix and match to get variety, used to love my sweet things, cant handle any treats even made with gluten free ingredients but I can handle a bit of maple syrup so my sweet treat is rice, rice milk and maple syrup, sad isnt it, hahaha.
Thanks so much and you take care too xxx
marlene21102 jo92050
Think Reiki good tool to have ,I use it on myself especially if I get rhinitis face pain,or headaches.Reflexology another good practise. You can do that through your own hands to,i often go on to my finger tips for sinuses.Prince Charles if you've ever noticed always stand pressing his finger tips together reflexology ,he's always done it .
Well it's 1.30 am I'm off to bed Tuesday around again.Hope we all get a better day those whose had it rough yesterday,need a days Grace from it respite.God Bless Jo xxx
jo92050 marlene21102
HotDot7 marlene21102
not as nauseated in mornings and going away earlier thanks to the B6 and B12.
I was wondering when the dizziness stops? You say dizziness starts cause estrogen Is leaving. Once it's gone for good the dizziness goes with it? I am nearly down to no blood each month...could there be hope in the horizon? wawa
marlene21102 HotDot7
When I hit meno no dizzy nothing to that nature ,but now I've got it ,but think it's my ears ,you've got this tinnitus as me ,so it got my feeling it's this ,want tubes cleared out I think. It's getting a dr to agree in getting it done,that's a battle in itself.ill wawawa along with you,iffy Gyne day here Dottie,we all at your place for coffee then ,being your on your lonesome,or Jays .xxxx
jayneejay HotDot7
i still het the odd dizzy spell Dottie and i am meno 😀
not as bad now..
takes time and we are all different
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
marlene21102 HotDot7
HotDot7 marlene21102
marlene21102 HotDot7
Happy birthday to your husband Dottie ,tell me he's a toy boy husband ,my daughters husband is 3 yrs younger her toyboy so she says.Bless her ,he's a good one were keeping him .
What's on menu later then ?see how Jay was trying to picture us all the other day,got my hair colouring right., xxx
jayneejay marlene21102
😀 Gravol it is then is it..
glad they are not called Grave Hole as it may put you off a bit
Dottie not saying if shes got dark wavy hair or not.. is she ..
Jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Looked up those tabs you can get them here but under another name,Dramamine Or Meclizine just not looked up if not to take with BPTabs .if okay will try them out.Gravel Hole yes not a name I'd enjoy to be swallowing but if they work ,try anything Jay.xxxx
HotDot7 marlene21102
Actually I am a dirty blonde dear! Take that anyway you want dear. haha.
HotDot7 marlene21102
see if I send you guys a Xmas card lol
jayneejay HotDot7
a dirty blonde ... ( i was wrong ) 😮
dirty blonde, dirty blonde ? what do you reckon to that marlene..
hahahahahahahahaha ' blonde bombshell Dottie '
have a nice evening ladies
i have another load of ironing 😥 bedding 😢 my NOT favourite
i like Egyptian cotton, but it takes some ironing .. I also love a cool Egyptian cotton flat sheet over me at night in the heat too.....
cant beat good percale 😀😀😀
wont take too long ..
jay xx
jayneejay HotDot7
but you love us 😀
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!
Blondes have more fun ya know..well...maybe after perimenopause that is.
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
i know .. i am a blondie 😀
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
I'm the lady here girls,age before beauty,says a lot for me Hahaha
this meno and miserable days you do need it lightened up with odd giggle .
I. Love cotton sheets but those Egyptian ones a s....d to iron,been there done that one Jay,another good reason I don't get these bad hot flushes like some get,my cousin changes hers every day virtually,due to it.
So no Xmas card Jay,oooooh,her girl will send us one I'm sure,xxx
marlene21102 HotDot7
jayneejay marlene21102
weird thing is... i dont get night sweats .. just day hot flushes.. they only re-started three months ish ago..
i only got night sweats when peri began 9-10 years ago.. didnt last that long.
i still say its the heat of spanish summer that makes the flushes worse at the moment, never had any this intense before ... no in bed i am fine, AC on all night .. bedroom like a fridge...
three months ago i was having loads in the day, about 12 or so, then they increased to 20 a day.. ummmm but now they are under control abit at the moment, maybe three or 4 a day.. infact i noticed yesterday that they were alot better .. had just a couple..
jay jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Sandy07 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
yes i too get ( not anxiety) but a blip every now and again..
more lack of energy i suppose...
my anxiety is okay, thank goodness, if i feel it just may kick it, i rise above it and set myself a mission .. i had that beginning of year .. and dont want it again..
i always keep a diary and just jot the pattern down, its normally at mo a blip every six weeks or so
okay Marlene .. get your ipad charged up 😀
i was naughty.. i have an iPad, and a month ago i bought an ipad mini too. so ones always charged 😀
' think i had a memory problem as i forgot to tell my other half about that purchase' 😄
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay Sandy07
my night time magnesium doesnt seem to get rid of them completely..
but here its boiling and i am now just in full meno so its just one of those things, a new transistion fully and extreme summer heat everyday, plus i am quite active, lots to do here, big house to keep clean, dogs, etc
just me doing it all.. so i get hot and the flushes are the way we cool down, maybe next summer wont be as intense for me.
trying Vit E now aswell see if that helps, but they have dropped off abit now
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
i have my B vitamins and my multi vitamins among my other vitamins and eating well and excercising so that's all I can do. If it's my time to go then I will surely go. It's good to watch a funny movie and eat buttery popcorn and grow old peacefully!
jayneejay HotDot7
i totally agree, theres nothing we can do, but let nature take its course, accept it, as it has to happen...
i am glad mine all done, not unhappy, been a long time 9-10 years, but its done, and i am just 50.. yippeeee
so i feel pleased and liberated ...
and yes, dont forget to laugh and have humour as that makes such a difference... you sound positive about it, and thats good..
' Blonde Girl Power ' 😀
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
oh thats not fun.... But hope the meal was nice 😊
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
marlene21102 HotDot7
We get Joyce here at around 3pm ,video lot of hers Dottie.
Glad you had good evening out,with the old fella,you say your always hungry,never been like that think I eat less,my husband and. Girl say I don't eat enough,in a day,but I'm a good weight,so I must be eating okay.Dont eat fried,or sweet stuff.Just stick to what's not going to play me up.
What time do you go to bed Dottie? To get up at that time,my cousins like you ,early riser insomnia she has gets up couple times during night can't sleep,but she goes to bed at 10pm ,told her to change it .
Another day here in paradise,I wish ,bit facial pain,it's sunny and warm ,so think it's allergy surfacing it's ugly head,Migraleve if not gone soon.
Looked up those tabs Dottie will be getting them ,seem okay see if my balance will improve.good tip to pass on ,give it a whirl.xxxx
jayneejay marlene21102
me too just done all the chores 😊
and... Me too, never asleep before 2am or later, have always gone to bed late... Early hours of the morning, done it for years... Was hoping that after meno ( which you just confirmed ) it would get better .. But seems not .. Oh well....
i thrive on just very few hours sleep and always disturbed, by a wee or waking... Up early too with having dogs...
Doesnt seem to affect me too much so thats okay..
2.30pm here ... Off for a swim soon...
very hot and sunny... 😊
have a great day ladies
jay xx
Had my B12 this morning 😊....
marlene21102 jayneejay
I'm starting B12 on Friday,see how I go on them ,B6 I gave to my girl.
You a stay up later one as well,I always sleep well 7/8 hrs every night,never touch wood had mum kept to my hours in menopause I can remember that .wish we'd spoke more about menopause ,what I could have learnt from her,didn't get that chance,lost her at 59 yrs .ah well not to dwell xxxxMar