Physical symptom of anxiety body shakes anybody else...
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Hiya everyone im in peri and wondering if anybody here gets body shakes to the point they cant stand up, my muscles feel really tense at the same time this happens, one of the hardest symptoms i find hard to deal with amongst the many others arrrgh!! any advice ladies would be more than grateful.Deb x
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ImagineOneDay debbie03356
brendababy debbie03356
I've had a severe migraine since Saturday, I used to get migraines before and at the end of my period, the severe head pain was bad enough but now they affect my balance and make me dizzy
Some of us ladies are unlucky enough to get these symptoms which are not typical of meno, it is difficult to deal with everyday, I also get really bad anxiety and sometimes crying hysterically 😱
Try to relax if you can and not tense up as I think tensing and stressing makes it worse, just let it be there and know it's a temporary symptom that will be history one day
Take care and chat soon x
debbie03356 brendababy
annieschaefer debbie03356
susan21149 debbie03356