Posted , 5 users are following.
I got bad piles with my second birth and every now and again I get flare ups, it seems to have got worse in meno, has anyone else experienced this x
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Posted , 5 users are following.
I got bad piles with my second birth and every now and again I get flare ups, it seems to have got worse in meno, has anyone else experienced this x
1 like, 13 replies
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natacha66 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy natacha66
Thanks for your reply, I'm not alone then! X
Sochima822 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Sochima822
ImagineOneDay pinkcatfairy
Yes, yes, I had them during pregnancy but they didn't cause and problem up until peri. I had to go to Mt gp the pain was so bad. They gave me a strong suppositories. It is a bit better now but. I do get very sharp pain usually before I need to empty my bowels. Also I seem to get more constipated before period, guessing due to hormonal changes. Not very pleasant. Good luck.
natacha66 ImagineOneDay
pinkcatfairy ImagineOneDay
lana07071 pinkcatfairy
natacha66 lana07071
Yes. I had bleeding as well but it was really mild and don't know if it was due to piles or vaginal dryness. Was after sex.
pinkcatfairy lana07071
Yes I wouldn't say I am constipated, although eight weeks ago I had constipation quite bad due to change of diet! They just bled abit when how what seemed quite normal bowel movement, thanks will take your advice on board x
pinkcatfairy natacha66
natacha66 pinkcatfairy