Pills and still symptoms

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I started birth control pills about 10-11 days ago at the start of my period. I was really hoping that they will give me relief of some symptoms. How long after I take them should I expect to see results? How long should I take the pill to know if it is working for me?

I am sad today as my weird tingling and numbing on the toes and legs came backsad the tingling is crawling up and is now in my mid calfsad I am very bummed. Why do I get those tingling and numbing sensations? When do I go back to the neurologist? What is wrong with me???sad

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    There is nothing wrong with you. These are all just crazy annoying symptoms of peri/meno. Its sad that women get no warning of what to expect or how to deal with it. These doctors are just totally clueless, especially men. God bless us all!
  • Posted

    Is nothing wrong with you.. eventually it will go away. I had that for a while off and on for the first 2 years of my peri..and one day was gone..My dr had suggested birth control pills but I decided not to take them. I stopped sugars and caffeine and seems some of the symptoms disappearedsmile and anxiety not as often as before! I'm dealing with dry throat mouth and eyes right now and scared what could be!! Everyday something!! I forgot how it is to be happy and worry free!!

    Hang in there you have us all here to chear you up when you need to..xxxx

    • Posted

      I agree Maria. I cut out sugar caffeine and alcohol and I feel better than I did a couple months back. I also started taking one a day vitamins for women and I've seen a big difference in my over all mood. This peri stuff is no walk in the park.

    • Posted

      No is notbiggrin I miss my daily coffee and my chocolate and the glass of winesmile feel so old!! The crazy fears and anxiety taking over my life and can't control!! I'm going through this the past 6 years, I'm done!!

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      I tried to do tha but failedsad This past summer was really bad symptom wise. So I thought I will stop coffee and sugar and have my camomile tea every morning. I love my tea and managed for almost 3 weeks but I got angry when the symptoms just stayed. I did not feel any better so I stuffed with chocolate thinking at least suffer while having chocolaterolleyes

      Does it take longer than 3 weeks to cure sugar from the body? How long before u felt better? I probably gave up just before success😖

  • Posted

    Hi, maybe it's different for other women but it took me 2weeks for the pills to start working. If you don't feel any difference after a month go back to your doctor for a different pill.

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    I get an achy tingling feeling in my lower legs. Have a look on the restless legs forum, you may find some tips to help you x
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      I get numb feeling in random sports. Chest, fingers, lips, toes, etc. Thingling, achy and stiff morningssad since it is all over I did not consider restless legs. It is scary. I so hope it will just go away. I saw neuro doc. Some blood tests and some office tests came back negative. I felt better and left it there. It is coming and going so I thought i will give it time. I'll seerolleyes

  • Posted

    Tnx for a thousand time to everyone. You are always so helpful. I will give it a month before I give up on the pill. I did have such a great period of feeling great in early fall. 2-3 weeks of no symptoms. It felt so great. I have no idea what brings them back. The tingling, numb toes, fingers and random body places made me search and find this place. thank u again
  • Posted

    I wish i could cut out carbs and sugars but I lost my appetite and nothing healthy interests me. Because I lack motivation, I don't cook anymore. I am now divorced so I don't have to but this lack of motivation is really depressing

    • Posted

      Hugs to you for all of that. I also lack motivation a lot. My kids are the only thing that bring me back to actually act normal. Somedays even that is hard. When I tried to cut out sugar and coffee as I said earlier I got so angry that things did not change. I usually eat well, cook and don't eat much sugar but yet I still don't feel well. Than I see people that drink, smoke, and torture their bodies and feel great and I get mad againsad coleen I hope are well somehow. Stay in touch.

    • Posted

      Thank you! Tues, I'm going to a doctor who injects hormone pellets based on a thorough blood test. The first visit is a consultation and blood test. An old friend from high school recommended him after she had a hysterectomy because of endometriosis. She told me she suffered horribly for months, and this doctor gave her back her life. I'm getting desperate because my symtoms have really become unbearable. I started oral bio Identical progesterone last month but got my period early and wasn't sure when I needed to resume the hormones. Although the first injection isn't cheap, 350.00, I decided there is no price on my mental health. I cannot concentrate, foggy, no ambition whatsoever. I can't live like this, and its tough working like this. The injection is normally repeated every 3-4 months but 160.00. There are no side effects and the reviews are outstanding. I will keep you posted. Hope you Feel better!

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