Please help!

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I am 15 years old and I am used to getting my periods every month. Sometimes it comes early, sometimes late.

My last period was on November 2015, the first day was on the 20th. I had it for 6 days , up until 25th November 2015. 

Suddenly, yesterday these brownish stains appeared on my pantiliner. I thought it was merely discharge so I left it at that and didn't think much about it. 

Today however, the brownish stains appeared as well, but much more darker and reddish (blood) stains appeared too. I presume it is period, but the question is, is it my period for this month (December) of is it the remainings of my previous period? Why did it come so early, like, I only had my previous period 6,7 days ago.

Thank you! xx 

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4 Replies

  • Posted


    Depending on when you started you periods they can be irregular for the first couple of years it is your body adjusting.

    or it could just be spotting?

    • Posted

      Oh I started my period in 2011, when I was 11 years old.

      May I ask what is spotting? smile Sorry and thanks !

      p/s: Yesterday I drank this diet juice. did it somehow affect my menstrual cycle?

    • Posted


      Spotting is what happens after a period finishes or between periods

      i very much doubt it has anything to do with what you are drinking, although a big change in diet can have an effect

  • Posted

    Lots of adjustments happen during teen years and many things can affect hormones, which will also affect your period.  Has anything changed for you lately...stress, worry, exams, relationship issues, new or different exercise, dieting etc?  (specific foods shouldn't change anything - but lack of eating in general can affect hormones sometimes)  The brown discharge is dark blood and 'spotting' can happen inbetween periods.   Can always check with your doctor if necessary

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