Please help

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I need help. I have pain every time my husband and I have sex. For years complained to my doctor and was told its part of menopause. I never question it. It's been going on for to long so I decided to ask for a referral to s specialist. She at first and after several swabs said I had Vulva thrust. Took anti fungal tablets for 3 months.

Still having pain on entry during sex ( Spliting). Now she wants to do s biopsy. I'm beside myseft anxiety +++++. So worried that it's something bad and it's been left for to long. Please please help and I'm sorry for the long details.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    A biopsy of what? This just sounds strange to me. I'm not a doctor, of course, but don't think it sounds at all like something to biopsy. Especially after all these years! Do you get regular pap smears? Seems to me that if its been years, you would know by now if it's something bad. Have you tried lubricants? Is it vaginal atrophy? You can use creams for that.
    • Posted

      Thank you for replying : Biopsy she didn't say. I don't have smears as I have had a hysterectomy 3 1/2 years a go. I thing it's vaginal atrophy but not to sure. I have use cream can not have HRT because of cystic breast.
  • Posted

    Use a smear of canisten after daily shower.  Coconut oil also beneficial.  Ask dr for script for Vagifem pessaries and oestriol cream for softening, repairing and strengthening.


  • Posted

    It could be part of the menopuse. As we get older we "dry out," if you know what I mean. Have you tried using KY gel? May help to ease penetration. So much is blamed on the menopuase from the doctors, and they don't even know why we get hot flushes as not enough research has been done on it. 
    • Posted

      Have tryed but doesn't do anything just a mess . I agree my doctors answer to everything is men's pause and anxiety . I have been going to her for years and I like her but on this problem I'm finding her to be not very helpful. Well going on Monday to see very scare. Thank you for reply

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