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OK ladies I have been experiencing some crazy bloating um for what reason I don't know and the heartburn lord I am feeling like a whale ,ugly,unattractive, my stomach feels yuky please enlighten me

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Same here?! With a sudden attack of acid reflux? I eat tums like crazy and stay away from acid and spicy foods. Eat early dinners before bed. I was taking antacids daily but spent more time in the bathroom than anywhere else! Idk hormones, lack of, fluctuating peri menopausal, menopause and post menopause not a picnic! Pregnancy was actually easier!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Monique

    im getting the same symptoms but have no idea why ... i also feel like im breathing through a sponge which feels quite scarey sometimes ... i dont smoke or drink but have a general feeling of being unwell so i would love some answers to this also

    i hope someone can fill us in on what it might be ...

    • Posted

      Yes it feels like I'm just stuffed like I ate a big meal or something but I didn't and been feeling heartburn often now lord just the feeling is making me sick and also a lot of gas build up
    • Posted

      same here i dont have to put much in my stomache to feel that .... it isnt nice is it ... im going to try taking bread out of my diet & add more vedge  plus try & increase my exercise routine ... anything is worth a go at this point
  • Posted

    Yes, I felt that way for a long time but after discussing my issues with a male gynecologist he said most women have better results once they start an exercise program. So my friend and I went in searched for a program, we didn't like any of them, so we joined a gym and walked on the treadmill, then found a gym instructor who loved running on the track he taught us exercises to outdoors on the track, walk then run, etc. Then I found a gym that had this modern elliptical that I just love, 20 mins on the elliptical and I'm done. But if you've never done it before start with 10 minutes or less and build from there. When I tried to do too much my hormones wanted me to pass out. I would just sit or lie on the mat until it passed. Don't over exert yourself if you start walking. Start with 5 minutes or take a walk to the beach, lake, mall, whatever place you feel comfortable but start walking.

    Also, my friend and I both stopped eating bread of any type. It stops the bloating. Oatmeal aka porridge helped a lot. You really to need change your diet. Secondly, my friend and I started looking for the magic weight loss pill, we did all the so called healthy vegetarian one's, we tried everything. Finally, I started losing weight, I loss about 20lbs at first then went on a 16 hour fast 2x a week, now I do it 3 times a week, happy to say I loss all 30 lbs and a few more than my original weight when it all started. Also, for heartburn try cabbage if you can make the juice even better. Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Thank you I'm just so tired of feeling like a whale so bloated and just feeling like I belong in a beach lol
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      starving for 16 hours? is that what you mean ... i will give anything a go to stop myself from feeling so uncomfortable
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      Yes it is very uncomfortable my god feels like my stomach is in my chest feels awful
    • Posted

      Yes, 16 hours is not that hard to do compared to some of the other stuff out there. So you start by eating your last meal say for example at 8:00pm. Eating nothing all night, you can drink water or tea no sugar throughtout. 8:00am is 12 hrs, wait another 4 = 16hrs. At first i did 10 then next time i did 12. I was hungry but first drink a glass of water, 4-6oz, then eat. With determination and wanting to lose weight keep doing it, you will see results unless you have other medical conditions which i then dont recommend since i dont want to put you at risk. Now, ive been doing it since last year in May, now im on 3days a week sometimes going for 18 hours. I did one 48 hour fast but it was not good for me, although i know some people, dont know of any women but men, have no problem with it. I think women are different so not a good ting to do.

      Also, i recommend vegetable juicing of any type just not fruit juices because they have too much sugar which is not good. Well, ask questions if you have any. Cutting out bread is a big one, because that's a favorite but eating sourdough on occasion is fine. I aeat all types of food, just not greasy stuff, and i still loss the weight. Try to incorporate more soups, thats one way i loss a lot of the weight eating soup, not cream soups though, but regular minestrone or whatever else. Hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Hi Ive been the same with the bloating , horrible stomach cramps , constipation etc etc but have stopped eating bread and switched to unprocessed foods, oats, fruit and veg apart from cauliflower which can cause bloating, and lots of water.......but here I am 1.30am with high anxiety, can't sleep , fatigue but restless - I hate this menopause.
    • Posted

      Yes I don't sleep well at all , but this bloating is horrible I feel so full and have not eaten anything feels like its all up under my breast grrrrrrrr
    • Posted

      Thank you, yes anxiety / health anxiety is ruining everything, as soon as I lay down my mind starts racing - thinking horrid thoughts like what if symptoms are something sinister and then major panic starts and here I am AGAIN pacing around sweating and feeling rubbish.......and then during the day things don't seem so bad, always in the early hours when it's dark and lonely it's awful, 66 menopause symptoms seems like 666 right now x
    • Posted

      i was the same with the bloating so far up in my chest like you couldn't breathe sometimes until I gave up bread , cheese, biscuits, and processed foods and seriously thought about food. Swopped for oats and mainly lots of fruit, water and plenty of it, plus veg and it's really helped - we can't seem to tolerate some foods we used to eat without thinking, our digestive systems slow down and become more delicate. Can't believe its almost 2am and still can't sleep, so sick of this and I somehow have to work in 6 hours time and am feeling like a damm zombie x
    • Posted

      Lou have you spoke to your doctor for some relief? You need to sleep. Lack of sleep only makes it worse. Do you have anything that will make you relax? Sleep aid? Benydrl? Can you call your doctor or a pharmacist that could help you? I strongly encourage you to ask for some help.
    • Posted

      Thank you but really don't know where to turn to be honest, went to doctor and she put me on Sertaline! Made things 100 times worse, the symptoms were horrific and had to stop taking them - im in surgical menopause with no HRT and it's so hard to deal with, plus lost two family members recently , my father died in front of me and my grandmother died a couple of months ago - so have nightmares when I do sleep . I suppose this is just something that takes time and healing for body and soul but getting my head round it all is sometimes too much x

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