Please talk to me ladies suffering!
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I am 42. Periods getting weird. Cramps getting more painful. I feel and look aged and sick. Up in the night with cramps.BAD mean mood not me at all. Losing my hubby no interest in sex. Last obstetrician wanted to due oblate on on uterus cause lining is twice normal thickness causing Anemiia and clots.Im scared doc only gives me one Vicodin a day, arthritic back also. I need to know What to do?I opted out of oblated uterus they said lining could grow back. My three kids two teens one 8' are stressed due to me.Anyone go through this?... Please respond, I could use other to help me.I am trying to be strong, but so sick .Thanks Sttella42
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margaret21458 Stella42
You are not alone in this craziness . Everything you mentioned I have or had also.
Except for the oblated uterus.
I started at age 42, I am now 53. And let me tell you, I know everyone is different but up until last year things never got better. Sex forget it!! I can't even stand someone breathing on me!!
I too have a lower back problem injured in my teenage years. I have had my two children late in life. My baby was delivered C section on my 41st birthday. Now 12 and 14 my kids need a heathy mother. So I opt for HRT. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I'm not 100% but considering where I is an amazing difference.
I never wanted to go no where, did not want or enjoy being around people. Negative thoughts galore. Lost my self esteem. I could go on and on. I absolutely lost myself.
Please do yourself a favor and look Into HRT.
It really is a God sent for me. Maybe it will work for you!
Also stay close to your faith. Read, listen, watch only upbeat books, radio, television.
And get a little selfish and think of yourself for a change!
Maggie, from PA USA
michelle46271 margaret21458
What type of HRT are you on ?
Michelle x
It goes without saying , first and foremost find a Dr who cares about you. I know they are very hard to find but they are out there.
Also first thing, blood work panel on everything, so you can see what your body can handle and what vitamins you are in need of. You and your doctor can take it from there.
Your life will slowly come together again!
Hugs, Maggie x
Stella42 margaret21458
Stella42 margaret21458
This too shall pass!
Sooner rather than later!
Maggie x
angel368 Stella42
I am sorry that you are suffering right now. I would recommend that you research what your doctor has recommended, even though the uterine lining may grow back thick after an ablation, it shod give you relief for a period of time and it sounds like you need some relief right now.
Good luck
Stella42 angel368
Upearly Stella42
You mentioned the heavy periods causing anemia. This can be a serious problem if not corrected. Did you have blood work to check? An iron panel with ferritin, % satration, TIBC and CBC should be done and if you are anemic, you should supplement and keep monitored by the doctor. Do not take iron unless you know for sure. Also, have doc check potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. These are the electrolytes and must be balanced for optimal health.
Ablation is something I've never had done so cannot comment, but if doctor thinks important to reduce heavy bleeding, you might consider. Thickened endometrium is caused by excess estrogen. Research estrogen domince and the importance of progesterone to balance. There are many websites and books on the subject.
I do not use HRT. There is some merit in considering. Bioidentical would be better than synthetic. There are supplements that help ease symptoms. Evening primrose oil, B vitamins, vit D, herbals. Many ladies here have great info on what helped them. Trial and error to find what works for you.
Do not lose hope. Putting your health first is neccessary. Your children and husband will need to understand and support you just as you would support them in a health crisis.
Be well.
Stella42 Upearly
Thank you.Will research Estrogen Domince.God bless you for thoughtful post, Stella42
Zigangie Stella42
I didn't have any womb problems (that is no one looked there) but quite interesting that when I began the HRT (I was post over 2 years).
The first bleed I had from the progesterone was pretty heavy and they have been getting increasingly lighter each time so I don't know maybe there was some thickening there?
My libido was (can you get less than zero?) Sex made me feel ill, it was also painful.
Now I have much more interest in sex it doesn't hurt and I can get orgasms again, they are not as strong as they were but better than nothing.
All the other things have either gone or are very transient and I'm much better in every way since starting oestrogel and Utrogestan.
dane521 Stella42
Stella42 dane521
margaret21458 Stella42
No me, it just aint happening!