please will someone listen to me

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for starters went to the doc today dummy me had coffee before i went hmm wrong move blood pressure was a little up , well beside's that i have been having pain in my boobs like right in the center the muscles when i touch they hurt my joints aches like the dickens my left arm elbow wrist etc etc but i have been just jumping around my moods are going kookoo for coco pops the anxiety is through the roof i have been feeling doomed feels like nobody cares that i am having a bad day the blood pressure thing frighten me a bit but i did read how the coffee can do this to you little ease there but the aches an pains in the joints and anxiety drives me crazy just feels like i am all alone please does anyone else ever feel this way

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi monique 

    this is how i feel anxiety all over the place blood pressure up at times when i am at a doctors office and heart rate. At times i feel scared not wanting to leave my appartment so i understand how you feel. Then there are times i feel like nobody cares about me. I don't have many friends to talk to. No girl friends to do things with i feel lonely i live with my boyfriend my parakeets and cockatiels and dog 

    My mom don't care about me never calls me the only time i hear from my brothers is when they want to do something which is not all the time my sister is the only one who talk to me and e-mails me 

    Don't know what to do any more about my stomach issues can not eat anything don't know what to do it just goes right through me my stomach can't hold on to anything i eat or drink just goes right through me 

    • Posted

      susan it is so awful my lord we go through so much i wish we had all lived closer to sit and talk to each other or on phones sometimes just hearing someones voice is more relief to others then just texts you know what im saying i pray it gets better for you
  • Posted

    I been dealing with similar issues since 2008 when my symptoms started. My blood pressure that was always normal even if I drank coffee is now where if I drink just a little bit of coffee it will raise my blood pressure significantly. I guess my body is sensitive to caffeine now. Who knows but I really understand what you're going through.

    I get body aches and bad acid reflux and I'm feeling like where is all this coming from.

    Last year I had complete blood work to check my hormones and it all came back abnormal.

    It's hard finding a Doctor that can really listen and understand. I'm still trying to find a good primary doctor because every time I go see a doctor I get a referral to a mental health doctor.

    The hot flashes , panic and anxiety attacks are the worst.

    I really hope you feel better soon. Hugs

  • Posted

    Hiya monique I'm the same as u I don't drink coffee as much I drink herbal tea also I av pomegranate juice which I find helps the anxiety is the worse for me even through the nite I'm struggling with it just wish it would go I'm 49 and haven't a monthly since April.
    • Posted

      Yes with the aches and pains in the joints shoulder pain in my boobs so much my throat bothers me a lot now has anyone experience the pain when you press right in the middle of the boobs Lord I tell you my children think I'm just making things up grrrr I try to share my experience with them so they will know
    • Posted

      Yes, I have the pain in the center of my boobs too.  And, joint and swelling all over my chest and shoulders
  • Posted

    Hi monique, I develop panic attacks and stress very badly now whenever I go to the doctor or have any contact with healthcare, and I was NEVER like this before peri. I am also experiencing everything the panic, the anxiety, the breast pain and soreness and joint swelling. If it were not for the fact that all this happened at the same time I would be freaking out I even have bad indigestion and I found out thats another issue with decreasing hormones. You are not all alone, there are millions of ladies dealing with this, this is why I started here.
    • Posted

      It's just so much I feel like sometimes I'm going crazy and then ache comes along you always feel like there's something going on this menopause is for the birds I thank God for this site I believe I will be going crazy if I didn't find this site and its so sad how we used to could do things that we can't do anymore and I love my coffee but it seems to raise my pressure now thank God I found you ladies on here
  • Posted

    Monique, I know what you mean, I am not exaggerating I have had maybe 5-6 really good days in 18 months, every single day there is a new problem, no joke, when I tell friends and especially my husband he looks at me like I am crazy, he says no one can have this much wrong with them all the time. I hate this so much.
    • Posted

      i know what you mean about people thinking we are just strecthing the truth about how we feel but it's horrible i wish men could walk in our shoes for just one day then they would understand how we feel my husband is awesome when it comes to me and my problems he truly does at times i just feel like i am just buging him telling him about my feelings and what is going on with me but he always assures me he understands and that he loves me thank god for him but on the flip side my children and others just look at me like i am crazy but it's ok we will all get through this one day it will be in the past and we can help and share our experience with others i hate the fact that we as women go through so much but it's a part of life and i believe god created women to be stronger then men in most area i believe in my heart he did today was a crazy day my boobs were hurting and the pain then i get this wierd burning sensation in different places grrrrr well ladies i pray we can continue to help each other through this all
  • Posted

    I am very happy that this site is here, I think the joint tightness around my shoulders, neck, and chest are the worse at least the hot flashes last a few seconds, this tightness goes on for hours and my dr says its just the lack of estrogen causing it and the only thing that will help is HRT which he refuses to prescribe and I dont want to take it.

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