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hellooo friends
Today my Gyn told its not Menopause ..its PMS Fsh and Lh r normal range ....i have 40 of peri sumtoms every day from last years ..i am stuggling from long time and my Dr told ur only 39 its not harmones changes..ur too young for this.
Dr donot have any test to confirm us that we r in Peri or not ?
Now how can i know i am in Peri or not ?
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christina81747 sunaina1983
you need to test your estrogen and progesterone levels they may be out of balance and that will cauae symptoms you maybnot be peri but if hormones arent balanced itveill affect you
rehreh78 christina81747
i think i have that problem what can i take to balance the hormones ?
sunaina1983 christina81747
Dear my Gyn only perform FSH AND LH test ..and tell me ur in PMS .not peri now
rehreh78 sunaina1983
Am 41 i have the same problem . fsh egg reserve all normal. my gyn said pms which ive never had.
well my estrogen showed little low. she wanted me on pill but i smoke so cant try that . she wanted me to try hrt conti patches which ive not tried as am scared to. just dont know what to do . i have so many symptoms .
sunaina1983 rehreh78
Mam me too have alot Peri symtoms from last year...but she didnot agree she told 39 is too early..i cannot help much
Guest sunaina1983
When I was getting regular periods like clockwork my ob/gyn tested my hormone levels because the only symptom I was having was digestive - I was struggling with stomach pain, gastritis and some nausea. Nothing else. No hot flashes, no night sweats, no aches/pains, etc. I was 46 at the time.
When my test results came back he turned to me and said I was in menopause. I was in disbelief. I said how can that be I am still getting a period regularly and I am ovulating. He told me that my levels were menopausal levels so my body had already begun "the change".
I don't know if that helps or not but what it proves to me is that sometimes our blood work and our symptoms don't go hand in hand. Everyone is different and subtle fluctuations may affect some women more than others.
sunaina1983 Guest
True mam..its difficult to tell about menopause from FSH and LH levels