Possible early menopause? Signs and symptoms

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I know it’s easy to self diagnose and get it wrong so I was wondering if anyone had any confirmed symptoms of early menopause that might explain my changes? I’m 38 but have noticed changes over the past couple of years.

1) flooding and clotting during periods. Mentioned this to the clinic nurse and she said that this was common in the “decade before menopause” and suggested the coil. I’ve had these for at least 2 years and none of my friends of the same age have this problem. I have to double up on sanitary wear, sleep on a towel in leggings and always always wear black clothes. 

2) inability to lose weight / and weight gain, despite a better diet than ever!

3) this is the worse one - very tearful for no reasons, feeling like I have no control over my life, completely overwhelmed and stressed. I used to get PMT for a couple of days during ovulation but now this comes on at any stage and can last for days on end. I’m angry at everyone all the time -panic attacks have also become a new feature!  this is all completely out of character, I feel as though I am a different person 😢 

I’m worried about going to the dr because I know I’ll cry, and what if he says nothings wrong!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi chic2geek

    I really feel for you this happened to me at 38 although not the heavy periods mine just became lighter but closer together but certainly the anxiety moodiness and the anger I’ve also been experiencing night sweats brain fog and poor concentration. It does sound like your body is starting the whole peri menopause thing! Have you tried taking magnesium and vit b complex as they do help. I also have regular acupuncture which I love and it’s helped regulate my periods my anxiety and my moods. 

    Your not alone and it can be a rough ride but we will all get there eventually. Exercise and good healthy food is also a must are we enter this new phase in our lives. Xxx

  • Posted

    It sounds to me that you might need to have your thyroid checked. These are definitely also symptoms of thyroid disorder . A blood test will show any problems . I work for a Doctor... and have seen many tears over the years . These are tough times for us girls. Most doctors understand that. Be kind to yourself. 
  • Posted

    Don't worry about crying at the doctors, we've all done it! Take someone with you if feel it could help. Write down all your feelings/worries and symptoms. You can then pass that to the doctor if you are sobbing. 

    The heavy bleeding and clots could be from fibroids and there are many treatments/procedures to help with that. And medications available to lessen the flow. Don't suffer for years as a lot of us have done. 

    Vitamins can help, Vit B complex to start with as previously suggested. 

    The only thing that helps me lose weight is logging everything I eat, the my fitness pal app is the one I use. 

    See your doctor and keep in touch here, it helps. Take care

  • Posted

    Hey hun, you need to write everything down on a piece of paper, go to the dr and give them the list. If they cant help you ask to go to an endocrinologist who can run full tests then tell you what I think you already know or you wouldnt be on this site! Looks like early meno but allsorts can be done these days to arrest it if you are very young which you are, or helo you through it so you suffer as little as possible but you need to see an endo specialist so what you get is tailored to you. Here anytime hun. XXX
  • Posted

    38 is not too early to be on the road to perimenopause. I know at 35 I felt like my periods started to change, and by 40 my body definitely had caught up with those changes. Don't worry about the crying. I have even cried in a shop buying paint! Any kind of thing that didn't go to plan used to send me into tears like I was a toddler. If you cry in the doctor's office there is exactly the symptom you are there to talk about. Hang in there! 

  • Posted

    I am right there with you!!! My cycles first started changing at that age. Before they were like clockwork!! Then I had some strange symptoms start at 40, then more strange symptoms at 41.

    I have night sweats (not all the time), internal vibrations (not all the time), adrenaline surges or panic attacks more so at night or even while sleeping! My periods are different. They have gotten closer together and some months barely last 2 days other months I am depositing big clots. Aches and pains! Anxiety about all this!! Ugh! I am right here with You!

  • Posted

    I started w like symptoms, but I am almost 50. My sister in law was like this at 42...all bodies r of course very different. 

    Symptoms mimic what other ladies r saying in the website. They were all Peri Menopausal w hormonal imbalances!!

    Panicky, sad, stressed out, weight loss, bowel upset, breathing issues, muscle fatigue, anxiety mind racing, inability to keep calm, insomnia, sure your health is at risk, mean, snappy, impatient.  I’m sure my kids & Husband think I’ve gone crazy. 

    I’m geting hormones & Adrenal testing done. A sure answer ALWAYS makes a person feel better and will ease anxiety I’m hoping. I also do not take time for self preservation...I don’t exercise, don’t meditate or take vitamins or supplements. After my testing comes back..I’m going to a talk therapist & will hope some good vitamins & true focus on myself will help ease my spinning mind!

  • Posted

    Hello !!! You are not alone began at 45 and I’m 48. I’m began with pain on my left side from the rib down To my left ovary and was dull and constant so I wrote down in my calendar and my PA went from constipation meds ,  nothing ,  then shoulder pain that radiates to my left breast 5 days before my period and I was like that for 5 months after MRI nothing bad all normal then that pain went away, then came horrible headaches with neck pain that put me out after MRI nothing then after 4 months that went away . My periods are like seems 2x a months now I’m having nauseas for 9 days and pressure on my lower abdomen like I’m having a UTI but is not like I’m having contractions end up in the ER last night they gave a shot to take the edge and meds to help w nauseas and here I am here this morning with pressure and nauseas.  We are in this together I’m heading to work and then to get an ultrasound of my oelvis.  I thanks everyone in this forum that share there experiences and I won’t go crazy thinking I’m dying !!! Thanks and have a great day . I’ll keep you post it
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    The same here! I can completely feel you! You are not alone! smile
  • Posted

    Hey hun! You ain't alone! I was about your age when I noticed changes. By the time I was 48 I looked back n realized my body had added different symptoms like each year. But I was still fairly regular, I skipped a couple periods that gave me the pregnancy scare! I truly think you're fine, but I agree with whoever told you to start a list of symptoms and dates to discuss with your doc.

    The women in my family go long so at 59...I'm still having irregular periods!! I can go months without flow (but still have symptoms! ) then boom! Aunty Flo! And i start the count all over again! Doc says I'm fine...it's not abnormal...I just hate all the crazy symptoms and afflictions !

    Hope my age didn't scare you! Lol! I'm an outlier!!

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