Post meno by five months. HELP!!
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HI LUVLY ladies
For those of you who dont know me ive been on this site for the best part of 8 years.
I had a 10 year peri hell and i do mean HELL.
Im now five months post meno but i feel so nauseas and ill.
I have suffered every symptom in the book nausea being one of them.
It has flared up awful this week i do have GERD but this feels different. I came home from work friday and just cannot function.I have cried all weekend its not viral i have no cough or cold.
Bit of history had half my thyroid out a year ago but in December all my bloods were good.
Ive been under gastro consultant for five years due to a small stomach nodule. Saw him last week he says my symptoms are not being caused by this.
My anxiety is through the roof again no surprise there. My youngest daughter is due her baby any day now and instead of me feeling excited i feel totally stressed out. I shouldnt be.
I was really praying i would feel better post meno but i feel so so ill.
Does this ever end. Im feeling really depressed and hopeless right now x
By the way i am not on any meds apart from the occasional lanzaprasole for acid which has also flared up again. Im just looking for some reassurance x
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Cass63 michelle97919
Hello Michelle,
Really wish I could give you words of encouragement. I too have been on this crazy journey 10 years also, so I know where you are coming from. September made 6 years post menopause for me and it seems to me my last 2 years have been worse than all the others combined! Like you I honestly thought things would be getting better, not worse. I was diagnosed with AFIB in 2016 and have had 2 heart ablations. I had an AFIB episode with my heart yesterday and needless to say my anxiety is through the roof. I don't handle anything well anymore, just fall to pieces over the smallest things. I am so not the person I once was and I have finally accepted I that I never will be again. With that being said, I know I have to draw my strength from my Savior, JESUS. My faith in JESUS is the only way I have kept my sanity through all of this craziness. Lean on JESUS , He will see you through. I pray daily for all the dear ladies on this site that are struggling with this time in their lives. There is no doubt we will all be stronger women having gone through this journey. Congratulations on your soon new grandbaby. I will be praying for you. GOD Bless
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
michelle97919 Cass63
God bless you Cass
I too am a believer in Jesus my husband is a pastor.
Rightly said if it wasnt for my faith i dont know where i would be right now.I have been through some really dark times on this journey. This will be my 3rd grandchild i have five grown up children.
I know fear is trying to take hold and yes i need to rebuke it!!!!
I have some easier days but like you any type of stress sends me in a downward spiral.
Funny enough i recently wrote a blog on my husbands website on christianity and mental illness i was addressing anxiety and depression.
I will keep you in my prayers and thank you so much for replying.
I have had my fair share if heart palpitations and heart checks in this journey.
Had thyroid surgery Aug 2017 to remove half my thyroid.
God only knows what we are going through.
Feel free to message me anytime and thank you again x
CaliforniaMel michelle97919
Oh sweetie.
By 5 months post-meno, do you mean it's been the 12 months to (usually) DX meno (12 months without a period) plus 5 months? Or that it's been 5 months without a period?
If it's the latter, you may not be "all done" yet and your hormones are going wacko.
I will be thinking of you. I hear you loud and clear. My 2 years post-meno were fraught with anxiety, horrific anxiety. As well as some really scary physical changes; even vision changes. It's so hard, because you sit there and watch everybody talking and laughing and living their lives and you feel so all alone, like you're trapped in your body. It gets better but keep talking it out (to us! and any friends) and do keep after the doctors! It COULD be thyroid related, or something else hormonal; hormones are so wonky for us right now.
michelle97919 CaliforniaMel
Hi hun
in answer to your question 12 months period free plus 5
my last thyroid check in November was ok
I have a thyroid check every six months due to having half removed. So far all bloods good
MY digestion is absolutely awful right now
Thank for taking the time to reply x
CaliforniaMel michelle97919
Hey, michelle97919! Okay, I was wonky for a full two years following my last period. And THE ANXIETY OH MY GOURD. Oh God. One night I was literally crawling on the floor because I was afraid to walk around in my state. I thought I had literally gone insane, my husband wanted to take me to the hospital.
I started taking Prozac, which didn't work well, and then tried different supplements. I'm currently on 5-HTP and I feel like it may be working but OTOH I think also just being a couple of years out is helping. God knows my doctors weren't about to actually address these issues so for me it took time but have you looked into any anti-anxiety supplements?
I so hear you. It's like somebody has come in the middle of the night and stolen your body and replaced it with this new one.
michelle97919 CaliforniaMel
I have tried vitamins but my stomach is so sensitive they make me nauseas
I was put on prozac few years back and i was suicidal on it
Made me much worse if thats possible.
I was on mirtazapine for a year which is a different type of antidepressant not an ssri
It did help me sleep but weaned myself off after a year
Anxiety has been a major issue for me in my 10 year peri now meno
I did try 5htp a few years ago and i think it actually helped
I have some still maybe i should give them another go
Hopefully as time goes on things will eventually settle like you say
I have had five children been married 30 years worked all my life but can honestly say this has been the hardest thing ive ever been through
I think its the long long time and the varying symptoms
Just when you think you have had them all something else comes up
I dont know who i am anymore
Today at work has been a major struggle
My third grandchild is due any day now so ive really gotta keep it together for my daughter
How can you go from a strong independent woman to a quivering wreck?
Who knew menopause would rock out world x
michelle97919 CaliforniaMel
Hope the moderator allows my reply it took me long enough to write lol
So obviously the moderaror isnt going to allow my reply!!!!
I cannot mention the AD i was on for a while obviously not sure why
I will give the 5htp another go i did try them a few years back and if i remember they did help
I did mention in my moderated post that i have gone from a strong independent woman that has been married 30 years and brought up five children to a quivering wreck
No one tells you Menopause can be this bad!!!!
Waiting on my 3rd grandchild who should arrive any time now
I gotta keep it together for my daughters sake
Work was a massive struggle yesterday
But i continue to pray and believe it has to get better right? x
PatientMod-B michelle97919
Hi michelle97919
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
Kindest regards
michelle97919 PatientMod-B
absolutely not
I do not have any thoughts of self harm or suicide
Ithought this forum was a safe place to talk to other ladies about menopause?
michelle97919 PatientMod-B
I dont understand why my reply to the moderator is being moderated?